Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sometimes we have to fall, so we can learn how to stand up again.

Was almost late for school today, :( You've no idea how afraid i was to be late, I don't wanna run like 20 rounds, Like a tired only. Bump into Ang Wei Ting & we walked in together. Walked past his class as usual because he's standing right there. His friends kept disturbing me thanks to that idiot. Ohwell, he's so cute when he disturb me. Cannot forget his smile on his face. Like a cute only. :D

First period today was Social Studies, did some stupid question and went to sleep. I'm really tired no idea why :( Woke up and it's D&T. I never sleep in D&T before because it's the best subject lesson ever <3 But on the way to the tech room or can say the computer lab. Saw him again. Keep seeing him today. So happy :D After that was chemistry, AH BORING LESSON. No point elaborating. :) But the funniest thing happen was, i was like finding for him from where i was standing and Mr Toh stand beside me and followed what i do, i freaking freaked out. SERIOUSLY.

After that was recess, ate and rushed up to class because Gabriella Chua want me to go find her, rushed my maths but still didn't complete in the end :( But before maths lesson, i was nua-ing outside class and saw him! HAPPYGIRL96. But that cockroach abit dumb eh, i wasn't finding for him but was finding for Kelvin. But he asked him to stand beside him and his face damn blur at that time. SO CUTE. Just nice got one girl flirt cockroach and got caught red-handed. So i was asked to point middle finger at him. But that dumb cockroach thought that i'm pointing to him in actual fact is someone ask me to point, not i out of nowhere point. NEVERMIND.

Honestly, i'm kinda happy with what i have right now. Or can say, we did talk recently, although it's like how a normal friend talk, I know we couldn't be as close as last time but nevermind shall take step by step :) After maths was chinese. This is the first time in my life i wasn't late for chinese and LiMingZhu didn't say anything. :/ Finished school send Celeste to mrt and headed home and played with the guitar. 

Poyin came over as she has tuition, fatty persuaded me to accompany him go hub, didn't regret not to go because i got my yellow bag. <3 Have been wanting it for so long, okay lah, not really long but since the time i love yellow i want to have a yellow bag. :D Before that we got GONGCHA, hehehe. All time favorite. Basically that's all for today then. Goodbye. 

Uhmmm, i think i'm changing to how i was last time, :D Like when i'm in secondary 2-3? When i'm an easy-going girl. I think i'm the happiest during that time. I wouldn't treat relationship seriously and get hurt a million times. :) I won't regret turning back to that. :) (I GUESS) BUT, i really hope someone i love could like stop me from turning back. :( Because, i sure my friend wouldn't like it. :( 

Monday, January 30, 2012

A little jealousy in a relationship is healthy, it's always nice to know someone's afraid to lose you.

New blog, New story, New beginning. I'm going to start afresh. Life without you of course. :)

Let's talk about school today. :) I was so happy right early in the morning because i happen to see my crush. <3 Some more is like the first person i see right in the morning eh so can you imagine how happy i was? & He sign in together with me some more. So literally, i was blushing and walking to the parade square till i saw someone which made me really laugh out loud. NO JOKE. Then, i was jumping for joy and told SAN how happy i was when i saw him. Crazy me~

First period was history, sad to say, i slept through my class test. I didn't study and prepare for it, so why not just sleep? :) After that was CHINESE, GRR Limingzhu mood-swing, He wanted to like punish me and chew outside class but in the end he let us in. :) After that was maths, Boring lesson ever i was somehow sleeping, i was really tired i've no idea why. Recess was alright but i climbed the stairs from second level to third level, like maybe 8 times? Till the last few times, maybe the sixth time i climbed i saw her, AH, SUAY. Nevermind :) Mr Ng didn't come for lesson today! :@ Relief teacher took over. English was basically during newspaper, as usual. Social Studies remedial was class test, i got a feeling i would fail because i'm basically crapping cause i didn't study for it too but managed to like write two pages long :)

Headed home and got prepared to have dinner with mummy and my both brothers. Finally a time when all four of us could sit down and eat. Pictures aren't really clear as in the food, because i've no idea what's wrong with my camera recently, like go keesiao already lorh. :( Need to like go and let it repair soon.



I look fucking ugly and fat in this picture but Bryan wants to put as his FB display picture cause he say he's very cute. So i say, i'm to use one of the most unglam pictures for my twitter. 

First dish was EGG. I thought it would like be steamed egg in the end is hard boil egg with some kind of sauce but still. YUMMY.

Second dish was the main course with the salmon which was suppose not to be the main course but i've no idea why isit serve together. HAHA

The portion looks small, but no joke, Eat half of it and you're already bloated. The restaurant really very considerate, They gave us sour plum juice to help in digest your food. From what the waiter say la.

Last, the desert, Yam Ice cream <3 My all time favorite. How i wish there's like Black Sesame. :( 

Basically, that's all for today. Goodbye. <3 I know my readers would got lesser because i've changed my blog link. But ohwell, nevermind. A blog is just my diary, for me to read when i'm bored :) & from today i'll try to make my blog post not so wordy. :D