Saturday, August 25, 2012

Letting go of someone you love, just to see a smile on their face.

" Don't ever take me for granted, i wouldn't be so foolish again and again "

This would be a very very very very very short post because i totally forget i want to blog. I'm too engross in finding for my twitter background and so many attracted my attention. Shall change it weekly. Hehe. >< 

Wanted to change my blog background too! But.. blogger being a bitch and don't allow me to change. :@ Totally don't feel like talking to anybody tonight because literally everything is pissing me off, Didn't study at all today because yes, i'm this lazy. No la, kidding, i'm also too engross in talking to Sean Chua. 

Kays, since this is a short blog post, post till here. ^^ Goodbye. 

Listen to this music, effing nice. 

I text you because i care, because i want to talk to you
I want to get your attention like how you get my attention
I'm just a friend to you, or maybe not even a friend.
I treated you as a friend, always be there for you, always try my best to make you happy.
When would it be my turn? I'm always trying to make people smile, i need to be cheered up too.

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