Thursday, August 2, 2012

Never close our eyes

You lied, didn't you?
Fall for your empty promises not only once, twice or thrice.
I've enough of everything & i'm letting go.

Prelim tomorrow, i'm so scared. I can't memorise those format for those letters for tomorrow situation writing. ): Just talked otp with him and he's pestering me to play blackshot. CRAZY. I'm so tired and i wanna go to bed. *YAWNS* But here i am blogging just to make sure my blog is not dead. 

Wish those juniors taking their CA2 soon good luck so do those talking their prelim soon! ^^ 

Basically typing crap because i'm trying to make this lenghty but i think i failed. So yup, goodbye. No promises i'll update this place of mine that often as last time. Love you guys, please still continue stalking me! ^^ 

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