Monday, April 30, 2012

I'm sad, hug me?

Exam wasn't been going well for me, i didn't study for it, i didn't work hard for it, So i could predict that my mid year would be damn damn damn bad. :( Ohwell, have to really really really start studying. Last time, Ellen motivates me to study, i'm not kidding. Now? I've no idea. This year beginning CA1 scored damn badly because of Teresa, basically drinking every single day, going down to find her and stuffs. But i'm glad that my maths didn't drop at all. But for this time round, i would. I'm sorry mum. 

That's not the main reason, i want to blog, So yup, if you still do stalked my blog, i want to tell you. I'm always here for you babe. Dm me, Fb message me or even text me. I'm always here for you. Don't bottled everything inside you. You're always finding people to rant your thoughts. I'm here. You could rant everything to me, though i know my reaction sometimes wasn't what you expected it to be. ^^ But you should know i'll still listen right? :) 

Okay, this is also not the main thing i wanna blog about. So yup, i really don't like it when girls get close to my close guys friend. It happens that i've plenty of close guys friend. Especially, Hongwei. I've not only him right now, I've like Pong, Donn and many more. I know its weird for a girl to have a close guy friend. But i've a very close guy friend and everybody knows how important he is to me that i sometimes would go to the extent of being over-protective. So i always prefer my close guys friend being gay. It let me being able to rant my feelings and thoughts to them better, because they can know how i feel and stuffs. Most importantly, my primary school guys schoolmate, Eg, Jin Feng & Zhi Hao. Both of them, they are my close guys friends during primary school. They accompany me go home and go school together. Come to think of it, since young, i'm growing up in an environment that for sure i've a close guy friends and now i've come to one. & it's HongWei. My mum know that, my brother know that, my friends know that. 

So yup, my b'day is coming in a few more days. CELESTE is this sunday, honestly. I haven get her presents yet. It's time to get her presents. :( Few more days but i could do it. Hehe. <3 SOOOO, Basically it's a wordy post i'm sorry. No pictures today. :) Got 3 pens & 1 ezlink card holder from art box, 1 leopard print phone clutch today. :) Have to really stop getting so much things. ^^ 

Had fun with CELESTE this few days, we've been basically hanging out at hub everyday after school once our paper ended. Bump into many familiar faces today. You know i really miss those times when my clique would always loiter around hub after school and hunt for cute and hot guys. When i would find excuses to bluff mummy so that i could stick with them. Nobody have any idea how much i miss those times... 

That's all for today. CIAOS. Will be back tomorrow, with pictures? ^^ 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Problem after problem.

So i haven been blogging for like maybe a week already? :/ So maybe i'll just show you guys some pictures of different event of the past few days. ^^ Not much, but better than a blog post being wordy, right? Exam has been very stress for me recently, but i'm like treating it as nothing. AWESOME RIGHT.

So let me talk about today first, and brief you about the past few days. HEHE. So today, my mum shop FINALLY OPEN ALREADY. So there's many people who send flowers over for mummy shop. How sweet~

Pictures not really in good quality because mummy took it. LOL! ^^ But ohwell, those flowers are so pretty! Hehe. Jing yi have been staying over at my place the past few days. So we had fun, somehow. And ohya! Found some pictures on my cammy! Those pictures i took at CIP at the old folks home, My class guys, hilarious as ever. 

& again, i'm not the one taking all this. HAHA. From all this pictures, you can basically know how retarded my class guys are. But the best thing about them is they treat you very well at times. No joke~ Okay, today blogpost is simply filled with pictures... Will be back tomorrow. HOHOHO <3 

In case you guys miss me, i shall end the blogpost with a picture of myself. ^^

I'm not her, i can't cheer her up, i'm not the person she love, But i still love her so much since the day i know her. So ya.... 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Empty Promises

Basically, i'll try not to keep this lengthy, but my motive for today is just to two person. Ya, First, Whitney Yeo. So basically, i'm not finding you anymore. Reason? Many people say that i'm being a bitch doing all this to you. So ya, i'm stopping everything. But please, don't ever act pity anymore. Because of your constant acting pity, that's the reason why so much people fall into your trap and help you. Including me. You know i was so worried that day for you when every of them are shooting you on twitter that day? when you beg me to ask them to stop? Don't believe ask Teresa, i even told her i'm afraid you'll cry. You know what? I fucking regret it. But rest assured, i've enough. 

Next, Maybe some of you guys would know things with me and marhuimin isn't good at all. AGAIN. This time round, it seems to be my fault. I know i know. She's trying to do her part by not making me fall into the trap, i really appreciate it, but you should know i wouldn't listen? So what for? AND, fyi, This thing have link to me in my cheap-ness? No right, Idk la. I don't wanna quarrel with you, moreover talk about this. Because, same. I've enough.

So basically, i'm texting donn and her the past few days, happygirl96. But i've no idea where the hell are both of them right now. :( HAIS. I'm having craving for MOS burger so heading down to idk where with Poyin tomorrow. HAHAHAHA. ^^ Ohya! Went to Ice Cream Chef with Poyin just now and head down to awfully chocolate to get some cakes for mummy. MAD SHIT, One tiny winny piece for 7.40. You kidding me? Ah, still bought it for mummy. Okaycan, i'm done blogging today. I miss CELESTE. Okay, hell random. ^^ 

Sunday, April 15, 2012


So i'm back, i've deleted the previous blogpost because it's a little bullshit. But this blogpost would mainly about Elevarse. ^^ Didn't took much pictures that day THOUGH i brought my dslr. Didn't see a need to take my cammy out. HAHA. So i'll start with an interesting picture Marhuimin took of me! ^^

I was serving my suspension that day though, had to like rush home and bathe and bused to hub and meet with Marcus and Pong, felt so short when i'm with them :( After that we trained to yck station after having our dinner. Bump into many people at yck station and it was hell awkward for me because i'm the only girl following so many guys, so it's pretty weird. Met up with Marhuimin at NYP. Not to forget, bump into Teresa at mrt station, Hell handsome. ^^ LOL! Kidding~ First half of the concert was alright though, kinda boring....... 

During the interval, bump into Teresa and Whitney, hell swear, mood changed after bumping into them. :( Marhuimin dragged me and i'm like her photographer for the day. LOL! Went back inside because times up. Kelvin was beside me, ^^ He damn funny and cute~ Ohya, before that, Nicole was hell cute that day, so i've decided to take a picture with her. 

See that rose? Guess who gave it to her~ LOL! Second half of the concert was fun because Kelvin was beside me. After the concert and everything, i saw Teresa and Whitney again, so pissed that i walked to yck mrt station MYSELF, when i'm supposed to meet Teresa for drinking session. Suddenly, got a phone call by Whitney telling me Teresa cried, i was like..... immediately went to find her. Why the fuck did i did that man? I was effing worried when Whitney said you were crying. Though it's not my first time seeing you crying... But this time round you were MUCH MORE SCARY.

So it's like after Whitney left, both of us left the yck interchange because it's hell embarrasing to be continue being there. Bump into many schoolmates, and everybody was like staring at both of us because i'm chasing after her. HAHAHAH. She walked effing fast. :( So we walked to the bus stop and decided to go smoke before leaving and so she can chill a little. She walked so fast again and brought me to the fitness corner ( She and Pauline did went there before ) I'm smart that's why i know! LOL! Kidding~ She cried and i sat there looking at her crying and did tried a little comforting her. :/ Everytime she cry, i would cry a little, but this time round, i see no point crying together with her but instead why not be stronger and just hear her niam about her trouble. LOL! 

She was alright after smoking and we h2h talk FINALLY, after for like THOUSAND YEARS. LOL! So we've decided to walk to hub, but my mum kept calling me so we decided to cab, funny uh. Reaching hub soon and we cab. LOL! Dropped her of at hub and i cabbed home. Basically that was what happen that day! ^^ 

That's all for now also. Will be back soon, like tomorrow or something? ^^ BYE! 

Sunday, April 8, 2012


So basically, I haven blogging for sometimes because my wifi is down. ;( I've been wanting it to use my lapy for so long, but I'm currently using iPad to blog. I'm like basically doing nothing the past few days. Went out with mhm yesterday. Sudden thought of meeting up with her. If I didn't meet up with her I would be like lazing myself at Danny place. Planned to head out with Poyin today but the rain spoilt all the plan. :( plus my laziness of course. So, i kinda love my new house though. Looks like a home, and my study table is filled with pink stuffs. ^^ Happygirl96. Wanted yellow but don't have. :( ohya! I wanted to like gmask my phone, maybe pure pink or pure yellow or polka dots. I'm like... Kinda falling in love with polka dots. :/ but right now, my phone cover has a ribbon on it. Hehe. And my calculator! I've completed watching switched at birth. Its not really complete leh, in my opinion. Hahaha, shall see if there's any upcoming season. Ohya, have you guys tried SharedTea? It was my first time trying it yesterday with mhm, I'm in love with their pearls, you guys shall try it yea? :) Something happen yesterday, more too disappointing, pissed & upset. Just didn't expect I would keep that promise but she broke it, ohwell. It isn't the first time she broke a promise? Lol! Suddenly thought of those times and nights she came over, honestly, it was my happiest moment I had with her. As in much more happy when we are together. At that moment of time, she still do care and worry for me. :) You know the feeling? :) no point bringing it up though, I just wanna say that I missed those times. I'm also kinda dissapointing to the extend that when I asked you " why things become so awkward between us? " you said " because I remind you of her, so might as well don't look? " It hurts a lot though, but I've to act like is nothing, Alright, get back to topic, I've to serve suspension tomorrow. :( upset x123456789 I want to faster complete man.... So boring at suspension, alright peeps, thats all for today. Goodbye. Wouldnt update as often because i have no internet at home. :(

Monday, April 2, 2012

Happy B'day Twin!

Basically, today i'm actually very lazy to blog, but i'm going to blog a b'day post for my beloved <3

Taken like years ago, but it's the nicest picture i found no joke. Thanks for being there for me hun when i needed you. You're like my favorite girl, favorite friend i have. Happy 16th B'day. Ai si ni le <3 Basically, she have been with me through up & down. Like really, We got close since... Secondary 1 i guess. :/ But no words could describe how much i love her. She always give me advice at times about my relationship make me smile, how can i not love her? HAHAHA. Alright, shall stop crapping.... Simply, Happy 16th B'day. Sorry for the belated b'day present. I'll prepare it once i'm done moving house, so wait for it kays? ^^ Shall post some more pictures of us. WINKWINK~ 

Okay, i mad this picture is damn long ago, but i find it damn cute! ^^ 

Tadah! I'm ending this blog post with those picture. Hun, be honoured i blog just for you! ^^ Hehe. Kays, goodnight peeps! ^^ 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fool!

So from my previous blog post, it would be kinda obvious i had a tiff with my good friend right? But we're alright now! YEAH! ^^ Anyway, Happy Second Monthsary to my DEAREST FRIEND. I hope everything turn out good darling~ Stay strong yeah! We're here for you! ^^ 

Basically, i did nothing today maybe can say i'm camping home watching " Switched at birth " It's really very nice! MAD NICE. Hehe. Because that guy whose deaf inside very cute. Go watch it! ^^ Basically, from my tweets you guys would know i broke of with her, because our relationship is filled with arguments and stuffs. But somehow... it ended perfectly nice. We got closer, somehow. We get to know each other more. BUT NOW, we're not quarreling but just... i didn't reply her text. Reason? I don't know why. HAHAHA. 

I'll reply her sooner or later, there's school tomorrow, Whose prepared for it? I'm not. Homework not done :( Ohya, Today is April Fool right? So Happy April Fool! Good news? I got fooled by two person only. HENG. 1st is Kar En. She's mad lame. Second is Andrew, he's mad lame too! Yesterday drinking at his place was hell wonderful. ^^ Get drunk and collapsed on the bed, didn't blabber anything at all. HAHAHA. 

Uhmmm. I'm done for now. Before i end, show you another retard picture i took yesterday at my new house. Hehe. So goodbye!