Monday, April 30, 2012

I'm sad, hug me?

Exam wasn't been going well for me, i didn't study for it, i didn't work hard for it, So i could predict that my mid year would be damn damn damn bad. :( Ohwell, have to really really really start studying. Last time, Ellen motivates me to study, i'm not kidding. Now? I've no idea. This year beginning CA1 scored damn badly because of Teresa, basically drinking every single day, going down to find her and stuffs. But i'm glad that my maths didn't drop at all. But for this time round, i would. I'm sorry mum. 

That's not the main reason, i want to blog, So yup, if you still do stalked my blog, i want to tell you. I'm always here for you babe. Dm me, Fb message me or even text me. I'm always here for you. Don't bottled everything inside you. You're always finding people to rant your thoughts. I'm here. You could rant everything to me, though i know my reaction sometimes wasn't what you expected it to be. ^^ But you should know i'll still listen right? :) 

Okay, this is also not the main thing i wanna blog about. So yup, i really don't like it when girls get close to my close guys friend. It happens that i've plenty of close guys friend. Especially, Hongwei. I've not only him right now, I've like Pong, Donn and many more. I know its weird for a girl to have a close guy friend. But i've a very close guy friend and everybody knows how important he is to me that i sometimes would go to the extent of being over-protective. So i always prefer my close guys friend being gay. It let me being able to rant my feelings and thoughts to them better, because they can know how i feel and stuffs. Most importantly, my primary school guys schoolmate, Eg, Jin Feng & Zhi Hao. Both of them, they are my close guys friends during primary school. They accompany me go home and go school together. Come to think of it, since young, i'm growing up in an environment that for sure i've a close guy friends and now i've come to one. & it's HongWei. My mum know that, my brother know that, my friends know that. 

So yup, my b'day is coming in a few more days. CELESTE is this sunday, honestly. I haven get her presents yet. It's time to get her presents. :( Few more days but i could do it. Hehe. <3 SOOOO, Basically it's a wordy post i'm sorry. No pictures today. :) Got 3 pens & 1 ezlink card holder from art box, 1 leopard print phone clutch today. :) Have to really stop getting so much things. ^^ 

Had fun with CELESTE this few days, we've been basically hanging out at hub everyday after school once our paper ended. Bump into many familiar faces today. You know i really miss those times when my clique would always loiter around hub after school and hunt for cute and hot guys. When i would find excuses to bluff mummy so that i could stick with them. Nobody have any idea how much i miss those times... 

That's all for today. CIAOS. Will be back tomorrow, with pictures? ^^ 

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