Sunday, April 15, 2012


So i'm back, i've deleted the previous blogpost because it's a little bullshit. But this blogpost would mainly about Elevarse. ^^ Didn't took much pictures that day THOUGH i brought my dslr. Didn't see a need to take my cammy out. HAHA. So i'll start with an interesting picture Marhuimin took of me! ^^

I was serving my suspension that day though, had to like rush home and bathe and bused to hub and meet with Marcus and Pong, felt so short when i'm with them :( After that we trained to yck station after having our dinner. Bump into many people at yck station and it was hell awkward for me because i'm the only girl following so many guys, so it's pretty weird. Met up with Marhuimin at NYP. Not to forget, bump into Teresa at mrt station, Hell handsome. ^^ LOL! Kidding~ First half of the concert was alright though, kinda boring....... 

During the interval, bump into Teresa and Whitney, hell swear, mood changed after bumping into them. :( Marhuimin dragged me and i'm like her photographer for the day. LOL! Went back inside because times up. Kelvin was beside me, ^^ He damn funny and cute~ Ohya, before that, Nicole was hell cute that day, so i've decided to take a picture with her. 

See that rose? Guess who gave it to her~ LOL! Second half of the concert was fun because Kelvin was beside me. After the concert and everything, i saw Teresa and Whitney again, so pissed that i walked to yck mrt station MYSELF, when i'm supposed to meet Teresa for drinking session. Suddenly, got a phone call by Whitney telling me Teresa cried, i was like..... immediately went to find her. Why the fuck did i did that man? I was effing worried when Whitney said you were crying. Though it's not my first time seeing you crying... But this time round you were MUCH MORE SCARY.

So it's like after Whitney left, both of us left the yck interchange because it's hell embarrasing to be continue being there. Bump into many schoolmates, and everybody was like staring at both of us because i'm chasing after her. HAHAHAH. She walked effing fast. :( So we walked to the bus stop and decided to go smoke before leaving and so she can chill a little. She walked so fast again and brought me to the fitness corner ( She and Pauline did went there before ) I'm smart that's why i know! LOL! Kidding~ She cried and i sat there looking at her crying and did tried a little comforting her. :/ Everytime she cry, i would cry a little, but this time round, i see no point crying together with her but instead why not be stronger and just hear her niam about her trouble. LOL! 

She was alright after smoking and we h2h talk FINALLY, after for like THOUSAND YEARS. LOL! So we've decided to walk to hub, but my mum kept calling me so we decided to cab, funny uh. Reaching hub soon and we cab. LOL! Dropped her of at hub and i cabbed home. Basically that was what happen that day! ^^ 

That's all for now also. Will be back soon, like tomorrow or something? ^^ BYE! 

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