Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fool!

So from my previous blog post, it would be kinda obvious i had a tiff with my good friend right? But we're alright now! YEAH! ^^ Anyway, Happy Second Monthsary to my DEAREST FRIEND. I hope everything turn out good darling~ Stay strong yeah! We're here for you! ^^ 

Basically, i did nothing today maybe can say i'm camping home watching " Switched at birth " It's really very nice! MAD NICE. Hehe. Because that guy whose deaf inside very cute. Go watch it! ^^ Basically, from my tweets you guys would know i broke of with her, because our relationship is filled with arguments and stuffs. But somehow... it ended perfectly nice. We got closer, somehow. We get to know each other more. BUT NOW, we're not quarreling but just... i didn't reply her text. Reason? I don't know why. HAHAHA. 

I'll reply her sooner or later, there's school tomorrow, Whose prepared for it? I'm not. Homework not done :( Ohya, Today is April Fool right? So Happy April Fool! Good news? I got fooled by two person only. HENG. 1st is Kar En. She's mad lame. Second is Andrew, he's mad lame too! Yesterday drinking at his place was hell wonderful. ^^ Get drunk and collapsed on the bed, didn't blabber anything at all. HAHAHA. 

Uhmmm. I'm done for now. Before i end, show you another retard picture i took yesterday at my new house. Hehe. So goodbye! 

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