Sunday, November 4, 2012


This ranting blog post could literally link together with the previous one. & I've no idea why the ranting post would have so much readers. You guys like it when i rant? Gah, i shall fulfill your wish.

I've no idea, really no idea why am i so fucking pissed, why do i hate you so much to the extend of, i want you to disappear. I've never been that angry before. I've never hate someone so much before. Maybe i did hate someone as much as you but that was during the time when i was with #T and i hate it when i've that anger in me because everything i do wasn't my style.

But, i've no rights to get mad, to be pissed. I chose everything on my own. Hun said no matter what she wouldn't leave me not when she had something to do with you. But all this seems so familiar to me. Everything that is happening now, happened once on me before but i've no idea how to handle it because i don't want hun to hate me in the end.

That's why i want to keep everything to myself, of course i don't want to rant on my blog because my family do stalk my blog but i just can't help it. Nobody get how i'm feeling, i rather blog it out because it's like, i'm talking to myself. I won't get any feedback, any answers. That's what i need now just someone to hear me rant without talking, without giving me feedback or even answers.

Back to topic, i've no rights or reason to tie down hun. She's just someone more than a friend. She's not mine. Why am i making such a big fuss? WHY. I want to be someone to be willing to accept what she do and be happy with her when she's happy. Not someone who spoil everything of her. I hate to be evil, to be bitchy. But i just can't help it.

I'm sorry girl, i'm so sorry for hating on you and blame you for what's happening in my life. Sorry for blaming you snatching those person i love away from me. I can't blame you because they were never once mine and they had the rights to choose who they want to love but i just hate you because you can talk and take them so easily without any effort while i shed so much tears behind every single thing.

Literally everything is crashing on me ok. EVERY SINGLE THING and i don't know how to handle all this. I just feel like disappearing for a day and see who really cared for me. I bet, none.

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