Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hong Kong Trip 2012 Part 2

The only photo i took through the trips of myself, but i'll let the photos do the talking.

Took this photos when i was walking around my house, didn't knew the view and scenery would be so good.  Best part of it was it was so so so so windy that i didn't want to leave that place. Saw some girls dancing Gangnam style near the railings and had a great laugh.

The famous Ladies Market.

The lazor show? Hah.

It's two different night views of building though because i stay at the other side of Hong Kong. :b So yup, was actually suppose to go to Disneyland today but i'm lazy. Maybe i'll go to the peak tonight to enjoy the wind. Kakaka.

I had plenty fun talking to you, but it always hurt at the end when i know the person always number one or two or three wouldn't be me. Now, even her would replace me. Ah, i shouldn't complain. I chose this way, i had to accept it. K, no naggings or ranting for today, maybe another day. Goodbye. ^^

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