Friday, November 9, 2012


So have you guys watched Skyfall yet? 

I shall rate it 8/10. 

MEH. It was like a 2 hour plusplus show and my butt was hurting like mad, but i had starbucks with me through the movie. Heeh. SHIOCK. Okay la, in case you guys miss my face. Here's some picture. (: 

#ootd #redjeans #FAITH 

Damn, i miss my hair already can. ):

Actually i watch Skyfall last friday already but i was a little lazy to update my blog but since i'm so free today. I shall update lorh~ Heeh. 

Okay la, i little update of my normal life shall i? (: If you guys follow my twitter you all should know i'm like so damn fucking happy yesterday la. Is like DUH both of my beloved eye-candy talk to me leh. WHO WON'T HAPPY WHEN THEIR EYE CANDY TALKS TO THEM? Plus i stalk both of them for like so long already. I literally talk to my eye-candy1 till 5am leh. Heeh. My eye-candy was literally disturbing me the whole time after she know my secret, but i can't deny i don't like it at all. :x

Okay la, that's all for today okay? Goodbye darlings <3

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