Friday, March 30, 2012


So did you guys missed me? ^^ It's so not me to blog for quite a number of days. But basically, i know i promised to blog yesterday but i didn't because i'm very lazy to turn on my laptop (SO NOT ME) but that's the fact. So basically something happen in school yesterday. :( Oh before telling what happen between me and my friend. I might be having suspension. My school is the most retarded school giving suspension for free flow. :/ 

Alright, back to topic. Somehow quarreled with my best friend, Yes my best friend. The reason why we quarreled is because of another person. But i can't elaborate much, but all you have to know is. I cried during chinese, literally cried to sleep. Li Ming Zhu thought i was not feeling well and let me sleep. Really appreciate him for not waking me up! ^^ 

Have been quarreling with Baby the past few days. :( It's killing me day by day. Somehow this is my worst relationship. Reason? Her attitude is so far worst than mine. She isn't like any other normal butch, instead she want to be " hong kai xin " type. Actually everybody also want to be " hong kai xin " but it happen that i also want to be " hong kai xin " And it's my first time, quarreling and shouting over the phone with the person i love. It's not like all we have is bad memories. But isn't like the first few days or week of our relationship is the " honeymoon " period? But ours.. started crappy... :( I know our relationship wouldn't last for long if this continues, but ohwell... i'll try my best though.. ^^ 

So if it happen that my dearest friend is reading this blog post, please know that i miss you so much or can say, i miss the friendship of US. Though i know yesterday we text each other like KNS. Because it's either you give me cold replies, or i fed-up explaining. Our argument never last for more than 24 hours, but this time round.. I'm not sure hun.. Could you at least tell me i meant something to you?

Have you guys have a close friend that you get jealous whenever she ignores you and get along with another person? Yes, i've been feeling like this the past few days, everything is bottling in me. I'm collapsing because i miss the previous us. When you tell me every time i meant a lot to you, when you tell me you won't get close with her? But... You see... Things wouldn't work out as we plan. We for sure would neglect each other. This is US, we tends to take things for granted. Especially me & you. But you know, i'm sorry for everything i've done. I'm really sorry...

Basically, that's all for today. I'm done blogging out what i want to say. Goodbye! ^^ 

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