Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hold my hand tightly, will you?

Mini update just to brighten up my blog, check this out : I happen to read at someone blog and find it extremely cool. Hehe. ><

" Sometimes in life, you're like nothing to that special someone who is your everything. 
While you're reading this post, you're going to have somebody in mind..
& that person is probably someone you care about, you love a lot. 
or probably someone who had already left your life 
and you miss that certain someone a lot and you want them back.. " 

The rest of the guy wrote was crap, so i cut it short, so did that someone appear in your mind? Haha, mine did. ^^ 

Cuddle on the bed? Me & you? (: 

Let me end this blog post with this.. 

" Don't wait for the perfect person to come into your life, Be that perfect person that come into someone's life " 

Tsk. Don't know if that girl do read my blog, if you do, for goodness sake, please be more careful you blur sotong. 

Oh wait wait, check this out, 

" I am going to sneak in your room tonight when you're asleep and lick your vagina. AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME "

I've quit smoking. #YOLO. But picture like this seduce me...

Her hair, i wanna shave mine too, but i'm not as skinny as her, never will be...

Hehe, this made me laugh like mad..

Okay, i'm done crapping, goodbye for real. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

First day of school for me.

I know i seems like a flirt, loving and falling for people and always tweet about different type of people, i know myself who i really love that's all that matters. 

So yup, it was my first day of school. HAHAHAHA. >< Love everybody reaction when they saw my hair. " I thought you cut your hair, LIAR " " Wlao, RACHEL WHY YOU NO CUT " " You wearing wig now uh? " Hahaha, cute schoolmates i have. (:

Remembered i said i studied with Poyin yesterday? Yup, very productive. Studied at Mos Burger at j8 but before that met up with THW for a little little while to pass him his prezzie. So funny, taxi driver was like " that one, your boyf uh? " I laughed and ignored... So went to mini-toon same thing happen again. Seriously, i love it when people misunderstood him being my boyfriend. Like so cool ><

Going night study tomorrow with hanxue, hope won't be weird, Excited much, kays. I didn't studied much for maths class test tomorrow, please don't flung on me. I love you maths, i always did. ): Kk, i wanna go to bed already. Goodnight. ^^

As usual, leave questions at Formspring, follow me on Instagram or maybe my twitter. (: CIAOS.

I find it hilarious when some people think my tweets are referring to them when i'm not. ^^ 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Don't snatch her away from me.

Haven been going to school for like two days already, I'M NOT SICK OKAY. I was late for school for two days... First i woke up at 7.10 okay, no excuse don't need go school already. Today i woke up at 6.15, but my bus not here. No cab also, wtheck. So yup, forget it, didn't go school. Fetch Sabrinah go school and pass by AMK mrt station. OMG. The taxi stands look like this

Hehe, the evil me was like laughing because i saw plenty secondary school peeps all late for school, while me, on my way home. If my school doesn't have a rule of being late i've to run for like 20 rounds, i would just simply go to school. So yea, fucked up school with fucked up school rules. But i'm for sure, many of my schoolmates are late due to the train. (: Ohya, gave #Z a morning call when i'm so pissed in the morning. HEHEHEHE. >< 

Buhu, I know i've been pretty emotional on twitter, okay la, as usual i'm emo. HEHE. >< And now, since the incident happen in HK because of my dad. I'm more and more afraid of the dark ): Hell yea~ He was that scary that night. That's the reason why every night i complain to #Z about how afraid i was, and she'll try to like make me stop thinking. (: Told Celeste and she said i have depression. HAHAHA, Funny friends i have, but i really want to overcome this fucking fear. It's freaking scary. ): 


So let me elaborate more on my emotional part, yes, something happen between me and #K which made me pretty upset, even on the trip to HongKong as well. I didn't expect it would be such a impact on me because all the while is just #T. She's the one who made me get over #T so yup, i'm thankful or maybe grateful for the fact that i somehow moved on? Nope, not really. I'm not totally gotten over her, as #K said, put her somewhere in my heart and soon the feelings would fade. I'm sure one day those feelings would fade away, i want to be friends with #T, idw to be so awkward around her. (: I had a great talk with #K earlier on till i fall asleep, as she said " If you can't let go and move on, you'll lose someone special " Somehow, everything #K said today made sense to me. HAHAHAHA. >< Yea, i've found someone new, but she's a little different from others, she's so difficult to communicate with, but i don't want her to get snatch away from me again, idw my stuffs to get snatched away again. First was #T, now was #K, i'm not going to let #Z get snatched away from me. MARK MY WORD. 

Okay, super wordy. Can skip through, i'm just RANTING. HAHAHAHA. Going for study date with Poyin soon have to get prepared, don't want to be late. (: 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Hong Kong Trip.

" Those days chatting with you during the night, was wonderful but it ended too soon " 

So yup, from my previous blogpost, you guys would know that i went Hongkong AGAIN. Haha, yup! Went to Ocean park for my fifth time, Never get tired of that place, just hate climbing those slopes! GRRR. Alright, picture time! ^^ 

( Didn't edit any of the pictures, lazy me) 

(Ps, the monkey kept jumping around, so not much clear picture of them)

(Went to SML for Father Day Dinner at Time square)

Alright, that's like mostly all those pictures i took in Hongkong this time round, i know not much , but deal with it (: Ohyup, getting really tired of my DSLR, i wanna change a cammy! ): But i only used it for like a year, GAH. Kinda lazy of me to take a picture and show you guys what i bought, because i already somehow gave some stuffs to some of my friends already. 

So, Last night, Poyin & Jingyi sleep over at my place, we girls plan to go to East Coast today to blade, BUT WE WOKE UP EXTRA LATE BECAUSE WE SLEEP AT 4.30 last night ): It has been so long since we three sit down and have h2h talk session and cooked dinner together, love them both so much, <3 Alright, i have to go, i'm going to do my compo right now and go to bed, so yup, love all of you. Follow me on instagram pleaseeeeeeeee @chenguoliyan Hehe, okay. Byebye! ^^ 

Monday, June 18, 2012

New hair?

So yup, i'm back from my MIA. Been pretty lazy to on my lappy till today, have been shopping the past few days in Hongkong and as usual i got stuffs for myself. <3 Will show you guys once i'm in Singapore. (: So yup, Thought that i would be flying back tomorrow but happen to see the wrong day and it turns out on Wednesday. GAH, Holiday is ending and i did nothing? ): HOW.... Check out my new hair.. ^^ Alrighty, i'm lazy to continue blogging, just saying HI. Give me comments on my hair on formspring okay! Some of my classmates think is not bad, some of them say don't suits me so yup. I NEED COMMENTS ON MY HAIR, BAD OR GOOD. Okay, goodbye. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

MIA-ing soon.

Before i MIA from my blog for a couple of days because i need to attend to some stuffs, i've decided to blog today and brighten up my blog <3 So yup, another week of holiday is going to end soon and my d&t project is not done yet, holiday homework is not done yet. HELL YEAH~ Went out with mummy and aunty over to KK hospital, bump into old friends and had a chitchat. SOOOOO, i've decided to do the #ootd seems cool! Haha, so yup, today #ootd is....

1. Bare face, (DUH) 
2. Shoes bought from HK. 
3. Jeans and the clutch i got yesterday. 
4. Leopard print tee! 

Ohyup, before i forgot, i bought this stuffs yesterday. :D

1. Stitch keychain (random stuff)
2. Wallet/Clutch from RUBI
3. Phone cover..

Pretty upset with my phone cover though, i bought it without looking and without thinking and just got it. Place on my phone. YUCKS so ugly, so me and SAN was like saying " Ya, it's so pretty, very pretty. " We're basically lying to ourself ): But ohwell, this phone cover save my phone today. Yipee~~ Alright, have to go to bed soon. Goodnight peeps, wont be blogging for a period of time, don't miss me! ^^ 

I'll never stand a place in you, never will. Stop expecting much from me from today, what for if you're so important to me, but i'm not important to you at all. FUCK IT SERIOUSLY. >< 

Monday, June 11, 2012


Hey peeps, i need some help. I've no idea what to get for my dad for Father Day, and i really need to get something for my dad since he always get me stuffs that i want to have. I'm considering, wallet. But sigh, guys like him would want branded wallet, but for goodness sake where am i going to take the money from? Clothes? He has plenty. Belt? He has plenty. Shoes? I've no idea what size he wear. Bag? Got him for his b'day last year. OMG. SO I NEED YOUR HELP. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS AT MY FORMSPRING. I'll love you guys <3 THANKYOU.

Won't be updating recently, school stuffs, freaking busy. No mood to blog, or can say no motivation. Miss Celeste, she's at Taiwan... Okay la, goodbye! Remember! Leave me ideas at my formspring! Tyvm!  ><

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Stop it, leave it.

I stay up late, i wake up early, and you're the first and the last person i thought of and the cycles repeat.

Woke up late for d&t today again, but today, abit no motivation to go, Reason? Just pure lazy, did nothing much today. Doing lesser and lesser things as day past. (: After that lunch with those guys at hub, but otw to the MRT saw you, glanced at you and walked away. You were happening to walk into the school, i lied to them (i don't miss you at all, you're nothing) FACT - I miss you so much, you're my everything. 

Alrighty, no emo nemo post, so what have i been up to during this holiday? 

1. D&T of course.
2. Extended lessons during the first week.
3. Filled with tuitions 
4. Stayed home and watch my serial show.

Basically did all these, haha, Slack leh! So what show am i watching recently? ^^ 1. Tiamo Chocolate 2. Seven of the Sky. I'm in love with, Vanness Wu & Bobby Dou & Hu Ge. HAHAHAHAH. You guys should know who are they right? ^^ Nevermind, i show you! 

1. Hu Ge. He very old already leh. ): But he's so hot in " Seven of the Sky " 

2. Bobby Dou, He also another one, very old already, he look so charming in both shows! 

3. Lastly, Vanness Wu, My all time favorite <3 

K la k la, Drools.. No more. (: I shall continue watching my Seven of the Sky. So goodbye peeps. I'm so lazy to blog recently, someone should like motivate me. Hehe. So yup, please leave my formspring filled with questions eh! Anything and everything, i'll answer all of them, good or bad also ^^ So yup, goodbye for real. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Just because you see me smiling, that does not means that i'm happy. 

Sorry, for not blogging the past few days, was really busy with school stuffs like d&t. ): Have been going back since Monday, and honestly, nothing is done yet. I'm like.. only a quarter done. Omg, really cannot, need to like really start doing tomorrow. Nobody should distract me. Hehehe >< Have been like having lunch with Daren & Gabbie. ^^ Fun fun. If every d&t lesson is like that jiu hao. My aim is to complete like on Friday, But i doubt i could. Okay, sounds so naggy. Shall blog about my school stuffs till here. (: 

Everybody has a best friend right? But whose the one who would always be there for you all the while and just because of an argument a f/s would end. Yes, one of my f/s ended just like that, Honestly, i'm not as upset as i was like the previous times we quarrel, this time round. I'm more calm and certain that you aren't the type of friend i'm looking for. I don't like to have a friend which will be stubborn-minded, with attitude problem, demanding me to go where do what, and it's a must for me to go a must for me to do the stuffs she asked me too. 

I can't deny that CELESTE (my good friend of course) doesn't have a attitude problem, isn't stubborn minded, she is demanding at times. Oh wrong, i do have attitude problem and i expect my friend to deal with it. I know i shouldn't be like this and i know i promised CELESTE a thousands time i would change, and i would. At least, she do have the patience to listen to my problem, my rants, & she had gotten used to my fucked up attitude through this 3 years plus. I can't deny that our friendship are the best in the world, i can't say that we treat each other as sister. Okay we do. (: But we do QUARREL very often.... But wanna know something interesting? The quarrel between us NEVER LAST FOR 24 HOURS. Haha, One of us would give in for sure.

Okay, i don't only have one good friends but i still have some long-childhood friends like Hongwei, Poyin & Jingyi. They have gone through with me for like 4 years or more. A friendship is hard to deal hard to maintain. It's basically like a relationship, you can't expect it to be perfect, but sometimes, the problem depends on yourself. Don't blame him/her, think about it before assuming, Trust me, you wouldn't like it like what i'm facing now. ^^ 

Alrighty, i'm effing effing effing effing naggy today, so goodbye! ^^ 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Not anymore.

Why am i not the girl you're looking for? I thought you once loved me too?

Sorry, i'm very emotional right now. Sorry for not blogging too, i'm like watching my Tiamo Chocolate. (: I'm so stressed up with my studies recently that i almost wanted to cry just now, like when quarreling with mummy. Just think that mummy getting a little demanding and bitchy recently, starting to dislike her a twinny winny bit. ): But oh well, she's still my mum. 

375 days already, Why am i still stuck with you? Why am i so pathetic? Why i keep thinking about " us " when we're no longer that " us "? Why those memories keep flowing back into my head, my mind and my heart? Why are you haunting me every now and then? Why aren't you happy when you promise me you'll be happy when i let you go on that day? Why am i not the girl you're looking for? Why you treat her so differently from the way you treat me? Why you love her so much but not me? Why is she the only girl in your eyes, your mind, your soul & your heart? There's fucking so many " why " on my head that my head is bursting SOON. 

Every now and then, stalking your blog, your tweets. I'll cry for sure... It simply feels like i don't exist in your world.. Remember that night i pushed you away and said " I don't want us to be like this, i'm afraid i'll fall for you all over again. " Remember what you said? Maybe you're drunk and you had forgotten. But don't forget, i never once forget anything about you... Remember that day we quarreled in school because of her and i pushed you away and ran home and cried like mad, you came over and ensure me? Why.. why are you so different right now? Aren't you the same person i know? Have you changed so much since we ended the r/s between us? 

I'm begging you, please... Or maybe you could do me a favor, ask those memories stop haunting me. I know you don't feel good right now, you're feeling the same as me. I can't take it anymore. I have been feeling like this for a period of time, but i can't help it and wonder what did i do to deserve all these..

Can't continue anymore, i'm already in tears... Promise me, take good care of yourself babe, i love you, & never will i stop loving you.