Monday, June 11, 2012


Hey peeps, i need some help. I've no idea what to get for my dad for Father Day, and i really need to get something for my dad since he always get me stuffs that i want to have. I'm considering, wallet. But sigh, guys like him would want branded wallet, but for goodness sake where am i going to take the money from? Clothes? He has plenty. Belt? He has plenty. Shoes? I've no idea what size he wear. Bag? Got him for his b'day last year. OMG. SO I NEED YOUR HELP. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS AT MY FORMSPRING. I'll love you guys <3 THANKYOU.

Won't be updating recently, school stuffs, freaking busy. No mood to blog, or can say no motivation. Miss Celeste, she's at Taiwan... Okay la, goodbye! Remember! Leave me ideas at my formspring! Tyvm!  ><

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