Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Look around

Sorry for being such a lazybum not blogging, was kind of busy recently. Went back to Seramban the last week! Was pretty fun and exciting over there! Mummy was in KL but i followed back with my cousins. (: I envy the girl whoever my cousin love. He had waited for her for 8 years & he's waiting for another 5 years. Sweet or what? (: He even drive her home that night and scream at me because i said he's over-protective. But in was good towards the end.

Let's talk about school shall we? So let's just talk about today. If you guys stalked my twitter, you would know i'm kind of pissed with one girl and i think i'm damn alike as her last time and i felt EXTREMELY DISGUSTED. As i was thinking back, i was wondering, wtheck did i just did man. Back to point, we skipped class just to settle this, and kept running away from teachers. (: HAHA. I've no idea why you love por-ing people. Seeing you coming to third floor i expect you would tell #T everything. SMART MOVE BABE. It did affect me a little, i told Jamie i couldn't do it anymore. She being there, i can't. But still i tried my best to avoid. I did avoid but failed so i walk away. Celeste & Cassan know it would plan fail because #T was there. Total spoiler. When i totally get over #T i would for sure find you trouble AGAIN. Everything tell her? Okaycan.

Took train back with Celeste, yx, keefe, and some other peeps. The train ride was damn funny but i was too tired to even think about anything. HAHAHA. And right now i'm blogging because i think my blog is too empty. WATCHING DARK KNIGHT TOMORROW. (: HEHEHEE :B

#K is at Malaysia now, i miss him so much. ): Shall go study now, goodbye!


I find myself so disgusted looking at what you're doing now,
I thought back wthell was i doing back then.
But right now it's too late to regret,
an advice to you babe, NEVER BE A R/S SPOILER.
You spoilt one r/s, don't spoil another one. (:
You're smart enough to bring my ' weakness ' just now.
Don't try to hard, you'll never know what will happen the next time. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

If you...

Sorry guys, haven been updating my blog because i'm lazy. YEAH! As usual. Hehe. >< And i'm in a rush. So i'll make this short. School hasn't been great recently because every single day since Monday there was fighting in school & outside school.

Hope those in the fight would be alright and of course nobody is injured (hope so) I didn't know my class guys, esp Jerome is so strong after today fight in the canteen. And i didn't know Ray is so fierce. Maybe he act only la, but i really didn't expect both of them to be so violent.. for today...

So yup, whose b'day is it today? Haha, #T of course. Happy B'day. Planned to wish her f2f but doubt i've the courage too.. I was complaining to Gabrielle one night and while complaining i cried. Yes, i cried. I'm being kind of emotional lately and i hate it.

Chinese Oral Exam tomorrow, i'm scared. ): I tends to stutter everytime i talk HAIS. Shall pray to God. Hehe, went to the prayer thingy one of the night and bump into #J. Those tweets on my twitter the past few days was him. I quarreled with him almost every single day because he's a bastard. Yes bastard. Haha. Shall blog till here, Agnes is crying.. ): So goodbye! Won't be blogging the next few days. Going Malaysia for a trip! Hehe. Soooooo yup, miss me! ^^

If you ever spare a thought for me, you wouldn't leave me hanging right here.
If you really did love me, you would show that i really matters to you.
If you really meant what you said, stop giving me empty promises.
If you really find me irritating, just tell me and i would leave.
If you want to leave just leave, i will never beg you to stay anymore.
If you really hang out with other girls, just tell me and don't hide it from me.
If you really trust me, you wouldn't even doubt me. 


Friday, July 20, 2012


Sorry for not blogging the past few days, i'm like so lazy to on my laptop recently. ): But i on it today because i've to do my d&t design journal and i've to complete by within July. ): So i'll keep it short for today. So maybe, i'll just blog about my brother b'day or maybe the trip to chinatown with my mum and poyin mum and aunty linda. (:

Let's get started...

Went to ntuc and get the cheese for the red velvet cupcakes, i didn't expect it to turn out like what i did. :/ I know it isn't really nice because i failed doing the cheese thingy twice and i was kinda pissed of because my brother will be back any time, so i anyhow place the cheese on top of the cupcake, but overall it taste not bad and Bryan was really happy that he kept jumping up and down when he saw it. (:

Poyin was like insisting she has to eat the correct manner, which is cut the bottom part of the cupcake and place it on top of the cheese. HAHA.. So as she wished, we did that. (: So basically that's all.

Next, the trip to chinatown. Pictures will do? (: We just drived there to have desert and have our dinner. And we saw Mc Astro Hong. She's so different. :/ But ohwell, actually i've not much pictures leh. We just happen to saw a car which is so cute and nice!

So yup, that's all will try to update more the next week! I'm quite busy! Sorry! ^^ Goodbye. (:

Saturday, July 14, 2012


It has been quite sometimes since i woke up on a Saturday morning feel so alright, as in happy. (: The feeling of waking up and being able to see your crush text, yes. That's how i was feeling today morning. So yup, Bryan came and talk to me in the morning. <3 After that, woke up and got prepared to accompany Agnes to the Hospital. 

#ootd #blackberry 

So yup, went to check out maids too. (: And home after that, was kinda bored at home and i've decided to bake, since mummy wants to eat, So i baked BlueBerry muffin! It doesn't looks nice though ): 

After baking, i'm bored again, so i've decided to cook dinner. (: Basically, that's all. Was actually planning to go Gardens At The Bay today but POYIN wasn't really free, so maybe postpone to next week! 

Let's talk about yesterday, shall we? (: School was alright, It was Racial Harmony Celebration. Many express girls wore their outfit and turn out really nice, especially CLAIRE. So yup, i bet everybody was drooling. HAHAHAHA. Kidding. After that went to d&t for a little while, then wait for her to be done with her what so ever stuffs. Got a phone call from her and i went to meet her. Was mad tired because.. i forget bring my Ezlink card and is at the d&t block ): 

So yup, bus ride was damn funny with Haarisha, Ben, Hsiang Ling, Kaijie, Derick? & of course her. Kaijie was being a retard blasting music on the bus. Alighted at the stop we're suppose to alight. It was weird in the begining, alright towards the end when we started talking. So she did her stuffs, and i'm waiting. LIKE DUH. Okay, then after that rush back to school to complete my D&T. HAIS. ): She was nice enough to accompany me to the D&T block ^^ 

Did this during d&t after i'm done with my artefact! ^^ 

Completed my D&T by 6. FREAKING 6. So tiring... Literally dragging myself home. ): Bryan b'day coming soon and i'm like considering what to get for him. HAIS. Okay. That's all for today. Goodbye! >< 

I never thought that i would be irritating in your life. I'm waiting as promised, but at least don't make me wait for nothing. I know is my choice to wait, you didn't force me to wait, But remember you did once said, you'll come back for me. That's the freaking reason why i hold on till today. Yes, i cannot deny that i didn't fall for anybody else ( said this a million times ) But i still love you, No matter what. Yea, i know i'm flirt. I know i can't compare myself to her. But i just do, i just love you. 

Okay, no more emo nemo. Goodbye for real. <3 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Shooting Star

Sorry for not blogging the past few days.. Quite a number of things happen recently. Remember my previous blogpost i had steamboat on Sunday?

Sad to say... There isn't pictures of steamboat but only me & poyin ZILIAN. ><

After zilian-ing and nuaing on the bed, i decided to open the ceral out and eat. Was finding alphabets of our name and have difficulty finding it. But we found it in the end! So we decided to add milk into our cereal and find out that there's no milk in the fridge, so we went down to get it! Sooo, here it goes. This cereal is FANTASTIC >< 

Ohya, have you guys tried this milk? Not bad leh, to me. (: 

Next, school day. Let's just talk about today will do. (: I was emo-ing in the morning because i'm upset since yesterday. Told myself no matter how sad i am i've to put on a smile today. But... things changes in school. Early in the morning CELESTE being a retarded and we played like a mad bitch & so the morning started right. (: During recess, equally fun too. Our class forever creating havoc. Or maybe NA classes. Some of my class guys lock one of the guys in the girls toilet with HanXue and had a big commotion outside class. SUPER HILARIOUS. So basically, that's like the HIGHLIGHT of today.. (: 

I was THAT emo. ): HAIS. 

Celeste Dad send me home today, how sweet & nice. Got prata back for lunch. I'm waiting for my tuition teacher to come for tuition later on. I'm trying not to skip any tuition though i'm super tiring. ): 

Ohhh. Before i end today blogpost, my english N level oral was hell. ): got a feeling i did badly, but i put in my effort so i hope it doesn't turn out as bad as i expect it to be. 

NOT TO FORGET, It's don b'day today! YEAH! Happy 14th B'day my dear boy! though we got close only this year, you have never fail to make me smile. You forever 24 hours there for me. THANKS UH. Hope you like your prezzie! Hope we could hang out more often okay! Study hard horh you! Lastly, i love you <3

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Lazy Sunday

Can we go back to the time when you'll get worried for me & come down just to ensure me?

Sorry for not blogging yesterday, was quite a tiring day for me and quite lazy to on my laptop, and i'm so lazy to on mine now also and i'm using my mum's laptop to blog. (: We're having steamboat tonight! Excited >< Poyin coming over. Bwahahaha. :B

Have been studying the whole day yesterday, work for mummy in the morning, rush back for chemistry tuition and after that i've maths. Tiring, but productive. (: After 4 hours & half tuition i started stressing myself with Social Studies, honestly. My mum is the one stressing me to study Social Studies. 

I did study okay! Handwriting terrible, i know i know. HAHA. ><

Oral tomorrow, i'm kinda scared though. ): i'm afraid i'll do badly. I'm afraid i'll stutter. I'm afraid the picture is those kind of picture i wont expect it to be. AH. STRESS UH. Ohya, Jingyi stay over at my place yesterday. I think i snatch her blanket last night. HAHA. 

I can't deny i don't miss you, i can't deny i didn't think about you, i can't deny i've stop loving you. But it's so hard to continue acting like i don't care, hurting so many other innocent people. All the while is #T, all those little crushes i had with those girls, they knew no matter that it will still be #T. 

Someone should just appear in front of me and tell me to stop day-dreaming and hoping for her to be back, because she never will be back. NEVER. It's so damn crappy to look back and see how madly in love i was with her. Wrong, i still love her, i've no idea whether isit love, or isit i don't have her enough and i'm not satisfied. Love her for like 6 months and got together with her and just nice a month we broke, you tell me how crappy isit huh? 

Okay la, i'm not going to have another emo nemo post. So yup, that's all. No pictures for steamboat! If i'm hardworking i'll take pictures.. If not, sorry! HEHE, good luck for those taking oral tomorrow and my class peeps please study for SS okay! ><

Friday, July 6, 2012

Fucked up day.

You're the reason why i go to school everyday, seeing you a few seconds make my day

Purpose of me blogging today, three things. 

Social studies period, which was the first period of the day, started crappy. ): Funniest thing happen is like, when Mdm Seh was like " Those who didn't study for the test go follow Mr Lau to the other classroom " I think everybody in the class stood except 3 peeps. Disappointing huh? Mdm Seh is pregnant, so kinda guilty we made her shout at us. YES SHE SHOUT. HAIS. ); Sorry, Mdm Seh. So Mr Lau being a bitch, he calling our parents in class. Funniest conver he had with was CELESTE DAD. It goes " Hi, hi, bye! "Everybody in the class laugh like mad. 

Okay, Second thing, how suay can i be, i never once thought that i would bump into him after that break up. So yup, walk out of school with a messy hair, untidy outfit, and shag face. Suay Suay he and CELESTE EX was there, i'm like FUCKKKKKKK. So yup, called CELESTE asap. She was like JEALOUS. 100% SURE. (: 

Last thing that happen, which make me the MOST ANGRY one. First time in my secondary school life i got KP by a SECONDARY 1, if she's a councillor i've nothing to say BUT SHE'S A FREAKING NOOBIE. OMG. FUCKYOUUUU. So what happen... Basically me and chew was sitting at the staircase la, then she kp we block her way WHEN so many other people walk pass us and didn't say anything. She ask us go back to PRIMARY SCHOOL TO LEARN OUR MANNERS. FUCK YOU, YOU GO BACK KINDERGARDEN SUA. Celeste & I was like extremely shock so we stun for a moment and decided to find her at canteen. What's wrong with all these teenagers sia, at least show some respect to your senior, for goodness sake. Moron. -.-

Okay, that's all for today. Helping mummy to work tomorrow, so goodnight. (: 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Raining morning.

Everyone has their dark side, they just learn to hide it well. @RyanAreos

How's school for everybody? Like for today.. Raining thursday, Bus cold, Mrt cold, classroom cold, basically cold. ): But such a nice weather to sleep, right? So once i reach my classroom, before assembly. Fell asleep, Chinese lesson sleep like a log, almost sleep during physics but didn't in the end.. 

Have been considering the past few days if i should start wearing contact lens. I know i do wear it last time but i stop because my mum kind of dislike me wearing contacts.. HAIS.. Why am i ranting about this? HAHA.

So yup, heard that today Oral was kinda difficult, hope mine wouldn't PLEASEEEEEE. Good luck for those taking Oral tomorrow. Okie, Whatsapp-ing donny now. So yup, goodbye~ Ohya! I really need help to edit my blog stuffs, i want my title to be in the middles, someone help me pleaseeeee. ): I don't like my title being at the sides... Went to the HTML but i catch no balls. 

Basically blogging because i'm bored. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fake smile.

Maybe this is the path that would change my life

Have been dragging myself to school recently because i'm so tired. Watch Spiderman yesterday with my darling. Although she already watch once but she accompany me to watch another time, how not to love you, you tell me? >< 

School was alright today, class shot for the Harvest Magazine was alright too. Didn't expect Cys & Casia to take with us. (: Hope it turn out nice huh, got a feeling i look kinda terrible in it. So yup, went home straight after school because two idiots are cycling to come and find me to chit-chat.

Some fucked up thing happen on my way home, i alight from the train, that stupid aunty in front of me is talking on the phone, and obviously i'm using my phone. I accidentally step her slipper, and only a little bit only. She make a big fuss over it and kept jumping and say ouch, obviously i would apologise, so i apologised. After apologising, she scold me stupid. Wtheck. Where's the link between stupid and this, PLUS i already apologised already. Forget it...

Zhihao & Jinfeng came over and chit-chat. Surprisingly mummy allow me to slack with them downstairs. Talk about plenty things and decided to treat both of them Ice Cream Chef. A pity Hongwei didn't tag along with them. In the end they left because..... HAHAHA. Secret~~~ 

I think i'm sleeping kinda early today because i'm very tired. ): No idea why the hell am i so tired.... ): & i've been editing my blog layout recently but i can't seems to get what i want.... So i've decided to do my blog layout when i'm like really free and hardworking..  

Okay basically that's all. Sorry for my wordy blogpost. Didn't go out so no pictures. BWAHAHAHA. So yup, goodbye! ><

/ You never know how hurting it is to walk away whenever i see you, all i could do is look at you from a far. But as long as there's a smile on your face, i'm more than happy. Be strong babe, i know you could do it.

Monday, July 2, 2012

I'm sorry.

Woke up by mummy today, she dragged me to somewhere with her and had brunch with her, wasn't really hungry but i ate a little. (: Bused to Yishun Interchange and Bused to CELESTE house, slack at her house while playing her hammy. SO FAT AND ADORABLE. Like me Bwahahha. (:

It was awkward when she was having her lunch while i did nothing. HAHA. So yup, texted her throughout. Plan to study at Yishun Library but it's filled with people, but phew, Starbucks was our second choice. (: Studied SS one question, it was productive excluding those chit-chats. So yup, accompanied her home after studying, love the part when we played around the road, and found a slipper on the floor. HAHAHAA. SO DAMN HILARIOUS. BUT BOTH OF US ARE SWEATING LIKE MAD. SUMPA.

Met her at platform, whole journey was hell awkward, but i was extremely tired, ): Slept on the bus, somehow lied on her shoulder, knn, she smells like Teresa, she accompanied me all the way home and i chased her back to school. HAHA, Reached home and collapsed on the bed. BWAHAHA.

So here am i blogging, but hey babe, i'm really sorry for everything, really. Thanks for sending me home today, I don't know how to treasure you, yea i know you read my blog. But please, find a better person than me okay? (: I'm still your friend yea~


Okay, goodbye.. (: School tomorrow, whose excited like i am? HAHAHA, Ohya, i talked to Gabrielle already! YEAH. Hell happy okay! Nobody know how happy i am, okay, shall go and continue disturbing her already. BWAHAHAHA. BYEEEEEEE! 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

East Coast Park

YES, I went to East Coast Park yesterday with Poyin, Not much pictures because i'm very lazy to like edit and wait for it to upload, so yea~ Poyin and I had tuition before we go for East Coast. It was raining heavily and we thought that we had to cancel our plan, but in the end, we still manage to go East Coast.

Don't you think she look like a lion? As in Poyin. ^^ 

The bus ride was EXTREMELY LONG. Not only that, the last stop was like so far away from the place we want to rent our skates. So in the end, we did a 6km walkathon. Awesome right? (: 

So yup, had macdonald for Dinner, after that both of us are so tired that we decided to cab to nearest mrt while Poyin go for her family dinner. & the walk home was super scary ): Going out with Celeste tmrw and i'm so excited! Haha, Meeting her after studying and she's sending me home? I guess.  

Before i end today blogpost, Bryan perform at Novena today. Was kinda proud of him with the first song, but second song, NAH. So yup, in the end, he didn't win. >< Okay, That's all BYE.