Saturday, July 14, 2012


It has been quite sometimes since i woke up on a Saturday morning feel so alright, as in happy. (: The feeling of waking up and being able to see your crush text, yes. That's how i was feeling today morning. So yup, Bryan came and talk to me in the morning. <3 After that, woke up and got prepared to accompany Agnes to the Hospital. 

#ootd #blackberry 

So yup, went to check out maids too. (: And home after that, was kinda bored at home and i've decided to bake, since mummy wants to eat, So i baked BlueBerry muffin! It doesn't looks nice though ): 

After baking, i'm bored again, so i've decided to cook dinner. (: Basically, that's all. Was actually planning to go Gardens At The Bay today but POYIN wasn't really free, so maybe postpone to next week! 

Let's talk about yesterday, shall we? (: School was alright, It was Racial Harmony Celebration. Many express girls wore their outfit and turn out really nice, especially CLAIRE. So yup, i bet everybody was drooling. HAHAHAHA. Kidding. After that went to d&t for a little while, then wait for her to be done with her what so ever stuffs. Got a phone call from her and i went to meet her. Was mad tired because.. i forget bring my Ezlink card and is at the d&t block ): 

So yup, bus ride was damn funny with Haarisha, Ben, Hsiang Ling, Kaijie, Derick? & of course her. Kaijie was being a retard blasting music on the bus. Alighted at the stop we're suppose to alight. It was weird in the begining, alright towards the end when we started talking. So she did her stuffs, and i'm waiting. LIKE DUH. Okay, then after that rush back to school to complete my D&T. HAIS. ): She was nice enough to accompany me to the D&T block ^^ 

Did this during d&t after i'm done with my artefact! ^^ 

Completed my D&T by 6. FREAKING 6. So tiring... Literally dragging myself home. ): Bryan b'day coming soon and i'm like considering what to get for him. HAIS. Okay. That's all for today. Goodbye! >< 

I never thought that i would be irritating in your life. I'm waiting as promised, but at least don't make me wait for nothing. I know is my choice to wait, you didn't force me to wait, But remember you did once said, you'll come back for me. That's the freaking reason why i hold on till today. Yes, i cannot deny that i didn't fall for anybody else ( said this a million times ) But i still love you, No matter what. Yea, i know i'm flirt. I know i can't compare myself to her. But i just do, i just love you. 

Okay, no more emo nemo. Goodbye for real. <3 

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