Friday, July 6, 2012

Fucked up day.

You're the reason why i go to school everyday, seeing you a few seconds make my day

Purpose of me blogging today, three things. 

Social studies period, which was the first period of the day, started crappy. ): Funniest thing happen is like, when Mdm Seh was like " Those who didn't study for the test go follow Mr Lau to the other classroom " I think everybody in the class stood except 3 peeps. Disappointing huh? Mdm Seh is pregnant, so kinda guilty we made her shout at us. YES SHE SHOUT. HAIS. ); Sorry, Mdm Seh. So Mr Lau being a bitch, he calling our parents in class. Funniest conver he had with was CELESTE DAD. It goes " Hi, hi, bye! "Everybody in the class laugh like mad. 

Okay, Second thing, how suay can i be, i never once thought that i would bump into him after that break up. So yup, walk out of school with a messy hair, untidy outfit, and shag face. Suay Suay he and CELESTE EX was there, i'm like FUCKKKKKKK. So yup, called CELESTE asap. She was like JEALOUS. 100% SURE. (: 

Last thing that happen, which make me the MOST ANGRY one. First time in my secondary school life i got KP by a SECONDARY 1, if she's a councillor i've nothing to say BUT SHE'S A FREAKING NOOBIE. OMG. FUCKYOUUUU. So what happen... Basically me and chew was sitting at the staircase la, then she kp we block her way WHEN so many other people walk pass us and didn't say anything. She ask us go back to PRIMARY SCHOOL TO LEARN OUR MANNERS. FUCK YOU, YOU GO BACK KINDERGARDEN SUA. Celeste & I was like extremely shock so we stun for a moment and decided to find her at canteen. What's wrong with all these teenagers sia, at least show some respect to your senior, for goodness sake. Moron. -.-

Okay, that's all for today. Helping mummy to work tomorrow, so goodnight. (: 

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