Sunday, July 8, 2012

Lazy Sunday

Can we go back to the time when you'll get worried for me & come down just to ensure me?

Sorry for not blogging yesterday, was quite a tiring day for me and quite lazy to on my laptop, and i'm so lazy to on mine now also and i'm using my mum's laptop to blog. (: We're having steamboat tonight! Excited >< Poyin coming over. Bwahahaha. :B

Have been studying the whole day yesterday, work for mummy in the morning, rush back for chemistry tuition and after that i've maths. Tiring, but productive. (: After 4 hours & half tuition i started stressing myself with Social Studies, honestly. My mum is the one stressing me to study Social Studies. 

I did study okay! Handwriting terrible, i know i know. HAHA. ><

Oral tomorrow, i'm kinda scared though. ): i'm afraid i'll do badly. I'm afraid i'll stutter. I'm afraid the picture is those kind of picture i wont expect it to be. AH. STRESS UH. Ohya, Jingyi stay over at my place yesterday. I think i snatch her blanket last night. HAHA. 

I can't deny i don't miss you, i can't deny i didn't think about you, i can't deny i've stop loving you. But it's so hard to continue acting like i don't care, hurting so many other innocent people. All the while is #T, all those little crushes i had with those girls, they knew no matter that it will still be #T. 

Someone should just appear in front of me and tell me to stop day-dreaming and hoping for her to be back, because she never will be back. NEVER. It's so damn crappy to look back and see how madly in love i was with her. Wrong, i still love her, i've no idea whether isit love, or isit i don't have her enough and i'm not satisfied. Love her for like 6 months and got together with her and just nice a month we broke, you tell me how crappy isit huh? 

Okay la, i'm not going to have another emo nemo post. So yup, that's all. No pictures for steamboat! If i'm hardworking i'll take pictures.. If not, sorry! HEHE, good luck for those taking oral tomorrow and my class peeps please study for SS okay! ><

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