Thursday, May 3, 2012


YEAH! I'm back! Hoho. History paper today was alright, i'm 50% sure it might pass. HAHA. Kidding. Not sure, i'm confident in my Source Based Question but not Essay ): God please let me pass k? Let Miss Martha give me more mark~ <3

So talk about what happen today, quarreled with her on twitter machiam tweetwar, don't wanna elaborate. No point elaborating.. Went to Ice Cream Chefs today twice ): Going to be a fatty soon! The Watermelon taste so nice. Yummy~~ Had a h2h talk with Poyin just now, she was like " If your feelings developed for Teresa again, i'm so going to kill you. " Haha. That made me laughed because it reminds me of those days in HK when i every single minute complain to her and cried in front of her too. ):

My b'day coming, She acting like my b'day not important at all. Sad sia. ): HAIS. Nevermind, that's not the point. CELESTE b'day coming, sad to say haven't get her present yet. WTF. She confirm going to be damn angry.......... THERE'S NO SCHOOL TOMORROW! YEAH! ^^ Some random picture coming up! ^^

( I think my table is damn messy, don't you think so? )

( Why they two look so cute together? But i'm not really INTO piglet, so ya.. )

I'm lazy to continue, shall blog till here, see you guys tomorrow! ^^ BYE~

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