Saturday, May 5, 2012

Rants Part 2

So, i went to like read my blog and i found my blog post about Rants Part 1, so of course have Part 1 must have Part 2 & since i can't sleep, i shall rant on my blog. (: So for those who didn't read before my Rants Part 1 here it goes. Click here

But of course, Rant Part 1 is about Teresa, Rants Part 2 isn't! Yipee~~~ Kidding, if it's a ranting blog post confirm there's a certain person you want to aim right, so yup. It would be her... (NOT TERESA UH)

I don't know you well, i really don't know you well. We've been texting for each other going to be a month already and i don't know you well. You're bottling everything inside you and i don't like it. I don't like my friends bottling everything inside them, i want them to share their feelings and thought too me. ): Sometimes, just sometimes, you made me feel like i really do matter to you, sometimes, you just made me feel like i'm just someone you text. Just a normal text buddy, maybe we're only text buddy and nothing more. I'm not sure, but for sure i know, you do matters to me.

Yes, i sound damn effing flirt. Claiming that i've fallen for so many people in this world, for goodness sake. In my whole life, who the hell do i love most, Teresa. Yes her. And maybe include Alvin Lee & Ernest Tan. This few, the rest i'm just toying and playing, but i never played with anybody feelings after PYC. But trust me, i felt different this time round. She's the one that whenever i talked to her, i could forget everything about Teresa, how she hurt me and stuffs.

Close friends would really love it to have me putting down Teresa, because i'm like torturing them to hear me complaining everything about her, claiming how much i love and hate her at the same time. I'm sparing a thought for my friend and my heart, So can you guys stop saying i'm a flirt or what so ever and respect my decision?

Ah fuck my life, so now you only know i exist and chase me to bed? No idea what to say and just replied you " kk " Fuck my life, can't you sense i'm not alright? I know you want me to care for you, i know you want me to be asking you if you're alright. But can you sense that sometimes i'm not alright but i'm telling you i'm alright? Just for once, or maybe twice, be there for me when i needed you. Take your time to know me, because right now, you're only knowing the flaws of me.

Yup, i know you're deeply in love with another girl, like my love for Teresa, but one day... just one day when you reach till where am i facing right now, For sure, you will feel like giving up because it's really really very tiring to hold on to somebody when he/she doesn't care for your feelings.

Okay, my legs hurting like a bitch right now. Going to bed soon i guess, CIAOS.

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