Monday, May 28, 2012

Wake up call.

Take my hand, I'll teach you to dance. I'll spin you around, won't let you fall down. 
Would you let me lead, you can step on my feet. Give it a try, i'll be alright.

I've done nothing today. ): Stayed home all day. Studied Maths & did my design journal but i gave up right now maybe i'll start doing after i bathe, like more afresh? I'm going to burn midnight oil and do it up by tonight. Wish me luck..

As i was doing my design journal, i got inspired to blog about my secondary life, did i blogged about it before? I doubt so right. So here it goes..

Secondary 1. I was actually a very quiet student, but i got more and more mischievous, got into troubles, started smoking, hang out with wrong company, i talk back to teachers ( i never do that in primary school ), i dyed my hair, i lied to my mum to hang out with my friends. At that year, my form teacher dislike me to the max because i'm a very loud student and i create full of problems. 

During Secondary 2, Same old stuffs, but i don't study, i sleep in every class, i go home late, i skip classes, and more and more stuffs. 

During Secondary 3, i woke up a little, but still naughty in a sense, At least i did study, many teacher see the massive change in me, friends was a little shocked that i bother touching my books and even look through my books. 

During Secondary 4, which is now. I think it's a little too late to regret i've been playing for the whole secondary school life. I've already had a bad reputation in school that many schoolmates really dislike me. I've changed, but they didn't notice. But it's alright, I've put up my mind i'll study really hard for my N's from now. I'm going to prove you guys wrong. (:

Determination is the power (Y) I've crap enough, but those readers of mine, if you're younger than me. PLEASE. I beg you guys, please study and wake up from all your dreams, want play, play when you're done with your major exam. Don't be like me, regret right now, when i've no idea where should i go after my N's. I might even have to ended up in ITE. My goal right now.

1. Quit smoking 
2. Stop hanging out with Andrew & Friends for a period of time.
3. Start studying for real. 

1 is kinda easy for me because i haven been touching it for weeks! YIPEE. And for number 2, i miss them so much. I haven seen them for weeks too. ): number 3, is the hardest for me because i get distracted VERY EASILY. So yup, that's all for today. Goodbye peeps! ^^ 

Remember ask questions at my formspring and follow me @chenguoliyan on twitter! ^^ 

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