Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Oral today was alright, chose the wrong teacher. How dumb can i be, i went to the Head of Department of English, wtfuck? 好选不选,选到她。But did glimpse at my oral marks, okay la. Not really say very bad. (: There's no food in school so i think i'll like bring food to school just for tomorrow. Hope Cassandra is going to school, miss her so much ): So yup, after school went to CB mac to have lunch with CELESTE. Had so much fun otw there and while eating. Jeez, went back school planned to go find Mdm Pek and do with those Sec4 Express and Sec5 Normal. But in the end, we decided to do our stuffs in the library. Haha. Did duty for a little and went home.

Honestly, i never once like to be controlled. So yup, Parents abit disappointed about some stuffs. I'm really sorry. Anyway, leave questions at my formspring and do follow CELESTE on twitter @PinkyyWinkyy THANK YOU!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Wake up call.

Take my hand, I'll teach you to dance. I'll spin you around, won't let you fall down. 
Would you let me lead, you can step on my feet. Give it a try, i'll be alright.

I've done nothing today. ): Stayed home all day. Studied Maths & did my design journal but i gave up right now maybe i'll start doing after i bathe, like more afresh? I'm going to burn midnight oil and do it up by tonight. Wish me luck..

As i was doing my design journal, i got inspired to blog about my secondary life, did i blogged about it before? I doubt so right. So here it goes..

Secondary 1. I was actually a very quiet student, but i got more and more mischievous, got into troubles, started smoking, hang out with wrong company, i talk back to teachers ( i never do that in primary school ), i dyed my hair, i lied to my mum to hang out with my friends. At that year, my form teacher dislike me to the max because i'm a very loud student and i create full of problems. 

During Secondary 2, Same old stuffs, but i don't study, i sleep in every class, i go home late, i skip classes, and more and more stuffs. 

During Secondary 3, i woke up a little, but still naughty in a sense, At least i did study, many teacher see the massive change in me, friends was a little shocked that i bother touching my books and even look through my books. 

During Secondary 4, which is now. I think it's a little too late to regret i've been playing for the whole secondary school life. I've already had a bad reputation in school that many schoolmates really dislike me. I've changed, but they didn't notice. But it's alright, I've put up my mind i'll study really hard for my N's from now. I'm going to prove you guys wrong. (:

Determination is the power (Y) I've crap enough, but those readers of mine, if you're younger than me. PLEASE. I beg you guys, please study and wake up from all your dreams, want play, play when you're done with your major exam. Don't be like me, regret right now, when i've no idea where should i go after my N's. I might even have to ended up in ITE. My goal right now.

1. Quit smoking 
2. Stop hanging out with Andrew & Friends for a period of time.
3. Start studying for real. 

1 is kinda easy for me because i haven been touching it for weeks! YIPEE. And for number 2, i miss them so much. I haven seen them for weeks too. ): number 3, is the hardest for me because i get distracted VERY EASILY. So yup, that's all for today. Goodbye peeps! ^^ 

Remember ask questions at my formspring and follow me @chenguoliyan on twitter! ^^ 

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Basically, i did nothing today, just playing with games that's all. No school tomorrow, but there's school starting from Tuesday, have to study damn hardcore from today. ): I can do it (Y) Alright, i'm just here to like lighten up this place only. Goodbye.

I've not been myself this few day, because i know i never stand a place anymore. I'm jealous of everything you did. I hide everything to myself because i know i can't be jealous of a small adorable kid. I've to open my heart and be happy that she receive so much love that she needed. But i know myself you wouldn't treat me the same anymore and pamper me with stuffs that i always want. I miss you, i miss the old you, where you will give me all your love... 

Friday, May 25, 2012

One year

Last year, this date, this month.

So, it has been a year, filled with up and downs with many problem and misunderstanding between each other & most importantly, we did have a happy time together through this one year. ^^ I know i'm the foolish one loving her so much for this one whole year, but i shall not lie, i didn't fall for other people when my heart was also in love with her. But as people say, how the hell can a person love two person at a time right? But i could do it, why not others? 

I remember she once said to me that she really hate it for me to say that i love her wholeheartedly but at another time i love other person? Right? I know but that's how i do it. You dare say during the time you're with me you didn't fall for other girls? You did right. Oh forget it, don't bring up the past ^^ Life is filled with temptation and stuffs and lead to a wrong choice. 

You're never a mistake to me babe, you're the one my life has been waiting for. To let me really know that to love someone you need not to be with him/her but just standing aside and see her happy. THOUGH sometimes, you really have a feeling and wants to be with her, like you want her to be YOURS and ONLY YOURS. To the extent, you want to control her and stop her from talking to other girls. Selfish, yea i know is selfish, but it's simply girl nature. (:

Okay, i shall stop crapping. Through this one year, Obviously the Mandy period was the climax of this one whole year, because you're with me the whole day for like 8 days continuously. So ya, and not to forget those time when i send you home and stuffs. I know we did nothing much together even if when we're together and when we broken up and become friends. 

Of course i know right now i'm nothing in you because everything is her, i wouldn't complain. Because i know you love her, she's so far prettier than me, she's so far a better person for you than me. But you can see i'm not doing anything to get you back, neither expecting you to read this, because this is just a " plan " blogpost since i don't know when. Because i've been waiting for this date for a period of time, because it's very meaningful to me & it always will because last year, this date, this month. I confessed to you. 

Ps. Sorry for the wordy post, skip or maybe just glanced a little alright? ^^ Love you guys. (: Goodbye.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


YEAH! I'm finally back, sorry was kinda busy since Sunday, ): After Jingyi B'day & Agnes first month, it was fun though, love the h2h talk during dinner, Me, Regina, Danielle, Poyin & Jingyi. <3 Video will be up soon once Poyin send me those video ): And i'll blog a proper post about Jingyi b'day! So look forward to it yea!

What was i busy with yesterday? Oh, was baking normal butter cupcake with pink cheese cream or topping or whatever? HAHA. It taste yummy when it's hot, and i think it will taste nicer when i use the thin version of sugar? HAHA. Okay, shall not crap. So yup, basically, that's all. I did rainbow cupcake today. But failed terribly.. It isn't as nice. But it taste not bad though. ^^ So yup, bringing to school for CELESTE and DONN tomorrow. ^^

( Tangy say it's so colourful and full of colouring ) 

The cupcake i baked yesterday the photo i don't know where so can't show you guys, i'm just in love with the pink color cream cheese whatever. So yup, will be baking this tomorrow with Poyin, hope it successfully work pleaseeeeeeee. ): 

Pretty right? Hope the heart shape would be as nice as that, & i'll be getting the ingredient for Red Velvet cupcakes on Saturday with Poyin, if you guys don't know what's Red Velvet, here's a picture of it, Poyin baked for my b'day though. YUMYUM. :p

Okay, i swear seeing all this pictures make me so hungry. Look so yummy! ^^ Alright then, shall blog till here, goodbye! ^^ 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sophia Grace & Rosie

Was kinda busy the past few days and my house internet was down ): I was also busy with my design journal, but i gave up doing and decided to blog, currently watching " Absolute Boyfriend " Hun say not nice, but i think ok leh. HAHA. Have been whatsapp-ing with Ellen from last night till now. She " somehow " did motivate me to touch my book to like look through and everything la ^^ 

So ya, tomorrow, busy day. But will have plenty of pictures, maybe video also have. ^^ Be excited for tomorrow blog post yea~ It will be celebrating Jingyi B'day & Agnes First month! WOHOO.  Got nagged by mummy earlier on about my grades, so i'm like asking her not to go to PTC if not, worst, she'll nag me more after that and idw that to happen. 

But as promised, i will like study really hard for my N's. Ohya, so in the end, i pass 4 subjects and failed 2 subjects, All of my pass subjects i got C5. ): Total score was range between (50-55) No subjects got higher than that. ): HAIS, & I MISS MY EYE CANDY. *effing random*

Okay la, that's all for today. Bye... & i just found out i rarely blog about #T already horh? Yup, maybe i moved on already? NAH, i'm not even allowed to talk about her in school. That was the deal between me & Celeste. Ohya, me and celeste have been quarreling for two days. As in on Thursday & Friday. ): So effed up but everything is alright now! ^^ WOHOO. Before that those below videos are what i was watching on youtube the whole morning.

( K la, i was watching all those youtube video about Sophia Grace & Rosie. They are hell adorable )

K laaaa, Goodbye for real. 

/ few more days it would be the day i fall for you for a year, Hey dear, please enjoy yourself at Taman and go and see a doctor if you're sick alright? ^^ iloveyou.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What's wrong with my grades?

So basically, School today was really disappointing, What makes me so disappointed? My grades of course... ): Rachel uh Rachel, Stop playing babe, time to buck up and really study, like seriously...
Here's my result.....

English Paper 1 - 33/60
English Paper 2 - 46/80
Chemistry - 15/50
Physics - 8/50

Fuck my life huh? What's wrong with me, everything is just border line pass. Zzzz. -.- Oh wrong, my science failed terribly. ): Hope my d&t tomorrow would pass, if not i'm going to get prepared to be killed by my mum. 

Ah nevermind, shall talk about something to make me happy? Ohmygawd, my heart melt just now. Like seriously, He's so hot, so cute, so atttractive, his smile so charming, his voice so man, his my ideal boyfriend <3 Kidding. ^^ He serve me ice-cream today, he helped me mix-in too! ^^ Happygirl96. Went to prepare Jing Yi B'day Party this Sunday, have been spending money like free-flow for Jingyi b'day. Hope it become a success if not i would be extremely disappointed. ): 

Ohya, As promised yesterday i would dedicate to CELESTE right, she's my sweetheart <3 Have been getting really close with her recently, like more close to her than before. ^^ Maybe because of something? Haha. Secret. Both of us are damn afraid we would do badly for our N's. We had finally woken up from all our playing, but is it too late? ): We have been going for suspension and miss quite a number of lesson, how? We really need tuition, anybody nice enough to give us tuition huh? ): Okay, i'm crapping as usual. So yup, that's all. I love my sweetheart. Oh not to forget, i love my Tangy too <3 So yup, that's all. Goodbye! ^^ 

My love... HAIS


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother Day

I know it's a little late for Mother Day, but ohwell no idea what the blog title would be so let it be yea~ (: Sorry for not updating my blog for sometime because i'm pure lazy~~ So we went down to Plaza Sing to have our meal at " Lau Beijing " rate the food there 7-8/10 not really nice though ): Not my type.

Bryan & I had some h2h talk session that day, and of course, we zilian. (: A little. HAHAHA. Pictures below! (: Only happen to find one, the other one, can't seems to load, ohwell.

GRRR, My photos aren't co-operating with me, so i shall not put it in an orderly manner. (: There's more, but i can't seems to find it, My cammy is filled with mummy menu food. ): 

Took all this at the day my brother perform ^^ He made mummy and i so proud, love you bryan <3 MUAMUA. Finally graduated uh! Had a meal at don't know what Japanese restaurant, Yummy. Food is damn awesome but damn expensive ): 

Have been bumping into my ex so many times at hub that day ): Thw say its fate, CELESTE want me to talk back to him, but HAIS... Idk.. He just change so much till i don't know him anymore. Not kidding... 

I'm so damn fucking disappointed with my SA1 result. I can expect this kind of result because i didn't study for it at all, but seriously? Let me tell you guys how much i get so far uh. 

Chinese Paper 1 - 33.5/60
Chinese Paper 2 - 41/60
Social Studies - 13/50
History - 13/50
Maths Paper 1 - 43/80
Maths Paper 2 - 28/60

Very bad huh? How to survive for my N's and what's more go to the POLY i want to go? CELESTE & I are damn effing stressed and decided to study real hard, & we're going to Popeye to study this Friday after school! ^^ HEHE. Hope we won't be distracted and REALLY STUDYING. ): 

Before i end my blog post for today, i want to say...... I love you guys so much <3 I shall end today blog post with a face of mine ^^ Ohya, i'm somehow quarreling with my bestie now ): Because of my PMS and sudden attitude, i think i'm losing faith in this f/s because every single time he talks to other girl, i'm so effing jealous. ): Alright then, goodbye.... I'll post a dedication to CELESTE later on if i'm not lazy ^^ 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

My birthday.

I'll rate my b'day a 10/10 if something didn't happen. So i'll rate it 8/10. But still i want to thank those freak who made a video for me ^^ I'll post the video here. (: Suppose to be a video for myself, but MARHUIMIN wants too see it, so ya...

So let me tell you what happen yesterday ^^ I've no school yesterday because i've no paper, i woke up late when i'm suppose to meet CELESTE in school at 9.30am but i overslept, Instead met her about 10-11 around school and we trained to hub to get our breakfast. And she bused to my place with me with food.

So we waited for jf and hw to be done, and we plan to go town, but we nua until damn long and met about 2-3 so we decided to just stay at AMK hub and watch Avengers. LOLLY. So we bought our ticket and went to NTUC to get snacks. We was happily taking our chips and jf was like saying " Eh, your mum in front " I was like.. Ya funny... But honestly, she's there. So went to say HELLO to her, first reaction she get was. " I know you, but i don't know you, who are you? " HAHAHA. I swear my mum damn cute.

So we got our stuffs and stuffed into my bag and CELESTE bag, Cause her bag was ultra fat so i helped her carry while jf carried mine because hw say my bag is too girly for him to take :@ Watched Avengers, it was damn funny but awkward inside. HEHEHE. After that, something happen. -.- But alright towards the end, so we all trained together and send CELESTE home, sweet eh? (:

Hw and jf then bused back with me and they somehow sent me home and hw went home and jf went to town to meet up with his brother. I went home and mood was ruined because of something happen between the period on the bus, We know jiu hao. (: Mummy bought plenty of food thinking that hw and jf would be going over, So i honestly didn't imagine Poyin & Jingyi would give me a surprise, but i just blow my cake with my family without thinking there would be a surprise later on...

Then like an hour later, Poyin & Jingyi came with Poyin handmade muffins. DAMN CB NICE. Then we had dinner and had a h2h talk session, as always. I was. really touched by something and i cried like mad~~~ So yup, That's all that happen yesterday, i only took some pictures of my b'day present though, some very lazy! (:

( I got the other two black rabbit from daddy & 1 more ultra big one)

( This Doraemon from Donn)

( This pig from my classmates) 

(This Doraemon from Poyin, she gave me a pot of handmade rose too!) 

I still have some b'day cards my sibling gave me and Miss yong gave it to me. Thanks for all those b'day wishes f2f, facebook & twitter. Daddy still got me a " Samsung Galaxy Note " It's CHINA BRAND. But i simply use it to listen to my song, oh well (: Alright then. Shall blog till here. GOODBYE. ^^

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Groovy chick

LOLLY, Hey guys, i'm back ^^ Sorry for not updating yesterday because nothing much happen, so yup! ^^ D&T paper is a sure fail paper ): I'm like losing confident day by day. How? ): But not to forget, i really love what happen after school today....

Because, i'm asked to keep it a low profile, i'm name her as " B " okiedockie? (: So yup, went to hub with my class guys, they had Popeye but i didn't ate anything at all, oh wrong, i did, i steal food from the b'day boy! How evil can i be. HOHOHO <3 So some of them split into two ): One of them went to get my b'day present. The other one followed me ensuring me not to go over, how sweet of them. So waited for jf and hw to come. Ohya, i met up with " B " too! So me, hw, jf send " B " home. Both of them ultra duper cute, but me and hw effing annoying sumpa.  

Hw & I instead looks like the proper couple but " B " and jf don't looks like a couple. HAHAHA. Kidding, is just me and hw friendship is closer than a boyf and girlf so ya. It's so cute seeing both of them holding hands, like aiyo~~ Then me and hw is like the director of the show. LOLLY. Okay, shall not elaborate much. (:

I think me and hw friendship drift back already (: HAPPYGIRL96. Bus ride with him was awesome, although it was purely just a silent trip. I'm not excited for my b'day at all, SUDDENLY ONE. Will she wish me happy b'day. Maybe i don't need to celebrate with her, I just want her to wish me, too much to ask for? HAIS. Alright then, goodbye. ): 

Fattybombom just called me from Malaysia to wish me happy b'day <3 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Pixie dust

Hey everybody, i'm back again. What i did today? Basically stay at home, go down to help mummy for a little while and talked on the phone with CELESTE for like 3 hours... We're like talking about so much stuffs. Like what happen and thingy~ Hope she's alright now. Gave her some advice but hope it did cheer her up a little.. (: 

Since today, is CELESTE b'day. So happy sixteenth b'day! Everything i want to say is on the card and that whatsapp. I love you bery bery much. Hope you don't emo on your b'day okay? Think positive baby! Don't keep think negative. I'm always here for you. ALWAYS. So yup, enjoy the rest of your day alright? Ai si ni le <3

So yup basically my blog views increased like mad yesterday, like twice the amount. Haha. Happygirl96. Hope today also uh. But you know what, i'm done blogging. Ohya, helped celeste to make her blog, want to know the link ask her or myself. (: So yup, goodbye. FYI, today blog title is link to CELESTE blog, so ya (: 

I didn't know i stand such a place in you that you can don't even text me for a day. Thank you very much. I finally know where i stand in you. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Rants Part 2

So, i went to like read my blog and i found my blog post about Rants Part 1, so of course have Part 1 must have Part 2 & since i can't sleep, i shall rant on my blog. (: So for those who didn't read before my Rants Part 1 here it goes. Click here

But of course, Rant Part 1 is about Teresa, Rants Part 2 isn't! Yipee~~~ Kidding, if it's a ranting blog post confirm there's a certain person you want to aim right, so yup. It would be her... (NOT TERESA UH)

I don't know you well, i really don't know you well. We've been texting for each other going to be a month already and i don't know you well. You're bottling everything inside you and i don't like it. I don't like my friends bottling everything inside them, i want them to share their feelings and thought too me. ): Sometimes, just sometimes, you made me feel like i really do matter to you, sometimes, you just made me feel like i'm just someone you text. Just a normal text buddy, maybe we're only text buddy and nothing more. I'm not sure, but for sure i know, you do matters to me.

Yes, i sound damn effing flirt. Claiming that i've fallen for so many people in this world, for goodness sake. In my whole life, who the hell do i love most, Teresa. Yes her. And maybe include Alvin Lee & Ernest Tan. This few, the rest i'm just toying and playing, but i never played with anybody feelings after PYC. But trust me, i felt different this time round. She's the one that whenever i talked to her, i could forget everything about Teresa, how she hurt me and stuffs.

Close friends would really love it to have me putting down Teresa, because i'm like torturing them to hear me complaining everything about her, claiming how much i love and hate her at the same time. I'm sparing a thought for my friend and my heart, So can you guys stop saying i'm a flirt or what so ever and respect my decision?

Ah fuck my life, so now you only know i exist and chase me to bed? No idea what to say and just replied you " kk " Fuck my life, can't you sense i'm not alright? I know you want me to care for you, i know you want me to be asking you if you're alright. But can you sense that sometimes i'm not alright but i'm telling you i'm alright? Just for once, or maybe twice, be there for me when i needed you. Take your time to know me, because right now, you're only knowing the flaws of me.

Yup, i know you're deeply in love with another girl, like my love for Teresa, but one day... just one day when you reach till where am i facing right now, For sure, you will feel like giving up because it's really really very tiring to hold on to somebody when he/she doesn't care for your feelings.

Okay, my legs hurting like a bitch right now. Going to bed soon i guess, CIAOS.


YES, Obviously today blog post would be filled with picture, reason, it's my good friend b'day. Not today, but tomorrow. But some of us, those who are close with her decided to give her a surprise at her place! So all of us meet up at hub at 12.30 and the latest person have to ring the doorbell. So ended up, Cassan & I being the latest ): Sooo, All of us got gongcha and went BreadTalk to get our cake.

Got our cake and let's go! ^^ So we took the train and of course, many stupid and funny thing happen on the train, like obviously! 

Reached sembawang, and we walked to her house, mad tired, We were rushing for time because we promised her dad we'll reach by 1.30 but we're going to be late! AHHHHH~~~ 

FINALLY REACHED HER PLACE, so we sneaked to like the stairs and lit up the cake. Hell difficult and i burned my hand ): 

Now, the moment we have been all waiting for~~~ 

(See her shocked face! She even covered it! HAHAHAHA)

(Making a wish~~~)

(Blowing the candles)

(Finally cutting the cake)

When boredom strikes while waiting for CELESTE to be done bathing, we zilian and of course, disturb her hamster! HAHA, (: We watched soccer, damn nice and exciting, and come to a point when every single of them pangseh me & i've no idea what they are planning to do ): And all pong say is. " May 9, 你小心你的脸 " 

There's actually ALOT more, more on facebook of course! So we headed for lunch at North Point. Had Manhattan Fish Market, On our way there, saw some typical ahlian, and it happen that pong stare at them for a little while and one of them stomped of the bus and say " 看什么看. " Hais, kids nowadays... Lol! 

Left earlier because i'm meeting Teresa at SSC to get some stuffs, as in my stuffs with her, but ended up, me, cassan & her went shopping for Mary b'day present. So got her present and i've to rush back to Sun plaza to meet up with some retards (: Dropped her off at her block downstairs because she has to go have dinner with his dad, i guess? And passed her everything. (: HAPPYGIRL96 i swear... 

Cassan was nagging AS USUAL, so both retards came and we walked to where we're suppose to meet CELESTE and MHM. From that moment of time, damn fun. I swear, so cute and sweet towards the end. (: Both of the retards was gentleman, one of them help me take the daiso dustbin & my bag. AH,  That's what i really need after the long day today (: Soooooo, we went back home about 7 plus and bus ride was awesome too. It was pretty fast because i've friends to talk too, I really love today a lot a lot.

I've never see CELESTE laugh like how she laughed today, never... As in she did, when she was with NC. I'm really happy to see her being so happy and smile so happily today, Glad that she enjoyed today, that's all that matters, Alright, today blogpost damn long right! Some pictures i did edit, some i did not. So bye, Will be back soon. I'm totally not excited for my b'day after what PONG keep remding me of, so yup. Goodbye for real~