Wednesday, February 29, 2012

She’s constantly pushing away guys that actually care, all because she’s still in love with the one who doesn’t

As i mention on twitter, if i blogged today. It would be a really wordy post because somehow words at this moment of time express how i really feel & what i want to say. But i'll add some tumblr pictures to brighten up this blogpost. <3 Shall start ranting about Lesbians.

I really hate those people who look down on Lesbians and disapproving a lesbian relationship. I know lesbian to you guys is a really very disgusting topic to ever think about. I once thought that lesbian was really disgusting. But guess what, I was all the while wrong. Do you know the feeling of being with a girl who acts like a guys, when that certain guys knows how an exact girl feels. It's like they could read your mind, they knows you exact feel. Falling for a same person with a same sex, isn't wrong. It's like, An older girl loving a younger guy, Wrong? An older guy loving a younger girl, Wrong? No. So why look down on Lesbians or maybe Gays. We are still human being, we are also fighting for the acceptance of the society. & have you guys ever thought what's the reason of we girls turning into lesbian? Since you don't know how stress or what problem we face after or before becoming a lesbian. Shouldn't you guys spare a little thought for us before commenting? As i said earlier, We're HUMAN BEING. We have the SAME THINKING & THOUGHTS, it's just that WE happen to fall for the same sex, but you guys happen to fall for someone of a different sex. I really hope you guys.. stop commenting... That's all. Thanks so much... :)

Next up, I'm really surprised by the feed-back i got when i went missing for about half a day. I didn't expect marhuimin to cry. REALLY. But i thank god for letting me have friends like them. Basically, yesterday was the worst day i had out of this year. First time seeing mummy and Bryan cried damn badly till i promised to be a good girl from then on. Won't contact her and stuffs. But i myself know i couldn't but i still promised. But i'll really really really work hard to don't talk to her like how i did in school today. Not on the part of giving her a letter. Because that letter would be the last thing of how we contact. I guess & hope so. It's a difficult choice for me i'm serious. I can literally cry at the thought of not talking to you forever. Because the past 8 months. You meant the most to me & maybe you still would. No of course, you still are. But... I don't know... Tell me what to do? HAIS.

Forget it, i've no mood to blog suddenly. Get back to you guys soon. Like maybe tomorrow or something..

Monday, February 27, 2012

It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember. ♥

Had neglected my blog for a period of time, but i'm here to update. A LITTLE. Didn't expect my maths got second? :/ Hehe. <3 Combine humans was bullshit. I got 12/50 HAIS. As expected uh. Something happen in school today that got me pissed off like REALLY pissed off. That cause me asking everybody if i could vent my anger on them. Poor guys. HAHA. But everything turn out ok? I think.. But let me tell you guys what happen ok?

Before that it happen that i was quarreling with T over on whatsapp. Not really quarreling but aiya, trust issues. -.- But forget it. I went to sleep after replying her and expected not a reply. Went to like slack around staff room and when i want to go back to class, i saw her. She saw me and AVOIDED ME. Hello, is there a need to AVOID me? Okaycan. Nevermind. At that moment of time, i was really angry with her like, i did no wrong and you avoid me for fuck? So i want to find Gabrielle to vent my anger on. LIKE HOW I USED TOO. So i went to find for Gabrielle and she happen to be UPSTAIRS. I'm a very lazy person so i don't want to climb the stairs, and it happen that outside T class could see GABRIELLE so i shouted across the classroom like i always do. FROM WHAT CHEW SAID. T threw the book on the table, and shut the door. HELLO, Is there a need to do that? :/ Gabrielle was stupid enough. I told her to go to that stairs but she went the other direction so i have to walk to the other direction and of course again, me and gabrielle shouted across classroom. T from the class shout something out of the class. FYI. I HEARD WHAT YOU SAID OK. Ah forget it, from that moment of time, my blood is literally boiling with anger. NO JOKE. But everything seems ok now? I don't know. T seems a little crazy. She at a moment of time angry, at a moment of time seems alright with me. Bump into her at hub and she somehow stopped me from continue walking but i PMS uh. So somehow said WHAT and walked away. HAIS. Forget it

Bernice told me something in school which made me turn very shag the whole day till i went emo towards the end of the school hours and slept through every single period. It happen that the teacher relief-ing Miss Yong abit KP. She caught MHM for sleeping but not me, MAYBE BECAUSE, i shouted at hanxue for waking me up & i think she might give her the same reaction so she doesn't dare to wake me up? Uhm... who knows. HAHAHA.

Alright than, what else happen today... Nothing much though... Let's rewind a little! Saturday.. Nothing much just went to church and Twinneh friend so cute!! Hehe <3 Went to Clarke Quay with Priscillia in the evening, Drank and trained home. And ya! That's it for my saturday.

Sunday even worst? Worked in the morning, Went MIA in the evening. Got caught red-handed. Did something i shouldn't do. But ohwell... Basically! That's all!

Ohya! I'm moving house during April! No longer going to stay in AMK. Going to miss all of my friends here like seriously. But must i be happy that Mandy has a direct bus from her place to my new place? Then normally she has to take train and walk to my house. HAIS. I don't know...

Shall post till here! Got to bathe & get prepared! Byeeeeeee! I'm saving up money for TANGHONGWEI b'day present! Hehe. Seeya!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Too tired to keep fighting, but too stubborn to let go.

HIAS. Ran 2.4 again. What the. -.- Effed up sia. :/ So hungry after running! Went to get food & Marhuimin ate one bowl of noodles & one burger. Nothing much happen in school today though only when after school our class had to stay back because of the stupid incident that happen on Wednesday. -.- We were release at 12.45 but in the end got dragged till like 2 plus eh. HOW AWESOME. What's wrong with putting bags on the table? What's wrong with sitting in groups? Why don't you just say that you hate our class that everything also need kp. Don't keep using the 21st century! -.- Went KB mac with Marhuimin had lunch with her and went home. Mood damn fucked up and gave everybody attitude. Got tired and fell asleep. Marhuimin thought i went MIA. Cute of her. :D Alright! My twitter got spammed by me like those stuffs me and Ellen once did and stuffs because i went back to her blog, read every single blog post AGAIN.

Some sweet stuffs she wrote that still made me blush to myself when i read just now. HAHA
1. I just want to give up collapse any moment but the thought of you being with someone else i can't handle so im holding on to you 
2.  How much i wish i could hug her... feel her heart beat..... and tell her that i missed her... And that i love her so much... 
3. All her imperfections are her perfections! Every little thing she does makes me smile a little more Even when she is jealous or angry.
4. I really love her so much, to the extend of whenever i see her my heart misses a beat my head gets blur and idk what to say
5. I have had the best times of my life with you. You make me smile, you make me cry, you make me feel like everything is alright.

Basically, just this 5 which made me blush, the rest... HAHA. Nevermind.. Just thought back to those times we once had and know that we do have plenty good memories. We went through so much just to be able to be together. But both of our relationship failed because we gave up trying & i fall back for Teresa. Honestly, she's the best girlfriend i ever had.. She's the.... sweetest. Yes effing sweetest and perfect. <3 I did blogged about her before didn't i? :/ Let me refresh your memory of what we we did ok & some stuffs about her? :)

#1 She's very sweet sometimes, never fail to make you laugh.
#2 She forever get worried about you if something happen
#3 She's really cute when she said "iloveyou" in different languages
#4 I really love the time when she make fun of my small eyes.
#5 I love the time when she wanted to get cigg but the uncle don't allow!
#6 I love the time when we watched movies together.
#7 I love the time when we always greet each other with a hug
#8 I love the time when she came to pick me up from school.
#9 I love the time when she always cheer me up when i gave her attitude.
#10 I love the time when she played her guitar.
#11 I love her sudden hugs when i was doing my homework.
#12 I love the time when she came down after school just to see me when it's already so late at night.
#13 I love the time when we talk through mid-nights.
#14 I love the time when she will drag your hand when you're tired of walking.
#15 I love the time when we go to each other house and do some stupid stuffs.
#16 I love the time when she act cutes. HAHA

#17 I love the time when she give that scary stare thinking that i freaked out.
#18 I love the time when i push her away she will still insist of sticking near you.
#19 I love the time when she never let go of my hands wherever we are.
#20 I love the time when she play her game and i looked at her.

There's many more of course. Impossible for me to write every single thing? HA-HA. Is people surprised that i'm blogging about her instead of Teresa? LOL! Joke! Honestly speaking, i don't know whether am i still in love with her or can say in love with anybody. Because i somehow got tired of loving Teresa, wants to give up but i couldn't. AH SO FUCKED UP. Shit! Today blog post so wordy again! Sorry! :( Ohya! Show you the rabbit TZY gave! Hen cute horh! 

Tadah! That's all for today! Will be back tomorrow, Have Physics tuition in the morning, Going church in the afternoon, drinking session with Priscillia tomorrow! WEEEE. SO GOODBYE! <3

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Learn to let go of the things that hurt you cause if it's really meant for you,you shouldn't be hurting in the first place.

My blog have been way too wordy recently, so i'll cut it short. What happen yesterday...
School nothing much, quite confident in my Physics paper but not Chemistry. :/ So ya, After school PLAN to go eat lunch with PONG but pangseh him because of her. She was emo-ing at BBT alone, so i went to find her lorh! Chit-chat and she got better. SOMEHOW. I went home, Saw Sihui on the bus. Damn funny. I don't know why i find it funny. Maybe i'm mad. Nua-ed at home and went to the airport to pick mummy up. Didn't talk to her at all. Accompanied her to clinic as she was really sick. She was asked to go for X-RAY. & i guess she went to do it today. :/

I'm pretty upset with myself after submitting my script today. It was like.. bullshit lorh. I wrote three sentences when i'm suppose to write two freaking essay. I was sleeping. Mr Toh keep waking me up. Gosh, i didn't studied for it, is impossible for me to scribble something on it when i really crack my brain on what to write. The question was really easy if i did study. OHWELL. Basically today i'm sleeping through every lesson. I've no idea why i'm so tired today or can say recently... Cried towards the last few periods because Bryan called me told me some stuffs. Went to find that bitch and she didn't bother. #okaycan. So i went back my class for CF and called my brother after school & cried again. :/

Baby & Chew were kinda worried for me and didn't really want to see me cry so they waited for me outside the toilet. Sweet of them <3 After crying, walked out of the toilet and we nua-ed outside for awhile while deciding where to go. Decided to go canteen nua for a little while. Pong was being such a gentleman & said he would treat US. I know is he see baby face only will treat lorh. But food makes me happy so i went along and i somehow okay already. Was kinda afraid to go home because i don't know how to face mummy cause afterall, i attitude her till damn jialat and i kinda regret also! :/ But got home, expected the unexpected. HAHA. She didn't say anything, didn't lock me at home. SWEE. Hoping she would accept the fact that i love girls. SO YA. Didn't studied for D&T. :( Preparing to fail though...

Gosh, she went missing again, Forever making people worried. Her hobby eh. Sua. Don't want to talk about her. HA-HA. So goodbye! :) 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dont bother loving someone who dont loves you back.

School today was OK LA. I just found out i didn't really wrote about my Common test and stuffs because basically i treat my common test as Class test, which means. Fail jiu fail. :/ I think i'm really no hope, my motivation of studying had dropped. AH RACHEL CANNOT. HAVE TO WAKE UP MAN. Got pretty high towards the end of the school. :) Kept disturbing " Kish " & " Keefe " Ohya! We confronted that two face bitched! Woohoo! She talk cock want sia. Say already don't admit. FUCK YOU SERIOUSLY. Send Marhuimin hope and promised her i would go down KB mac to study with her since i don't want to stay at home. Went home called Andrew and told them i'll be home by 10! Yes 10! -.-

Let's talk about what happen at KB mac shall we? Things were really awkward in the beginning. BUT it was alright towards the end when i started being a little more of myself and started craping and make both of them laugh! Yes i did it <3 We laughed like mad. SUMPA. After that it was time for Marhuimin to go for tuition. Left me and *ahem* HAHA. So both of us went slacking around deciding what should we do. Actually, is he accompany me la. Cause i promised Marhuimin i will wait till 9.30! But i've no keys! So i have to go home and charge my phone and blablabla. Called that Freaking Teresa to pass me my keys! But that bitch, ignored and continue dating with her girlfriend. GOOD LA SHE. LOL! Nevermind. Talked alot with *ahem* and got alot of INFORMATION. HAHAHAAH.

Went home charge phone and head out again, swear i'm very tired today. :( Went to find Marhuimin and we went to eat Roti Prata! <3 Ah, i think i'm going to get fatter and fatter. Let me tell you what's wrong with me today. In school, i freaking ate two bowls of noodles. Cause Celeste can't finish her's so i helped her lorh. I'M EFFING HUNGRY. After that went to KB mac i ate again! :@ Ate finish my set and cleared MARHUIMIN fries! HEHEHE. Then just now ate 2 Roti Prata. & GUESS WHAT. I'M HUNGRY NOW. :( Went to huimin house and NUA-ed because i need to wait for that fucking bitch. As in Mandy, cause she also has my house keys! So ya, but in the end, didn't wait for her because she's taking years to come! Went home, expecting a scolding from Bryan & Andrew but didn't! HENG. I just got nagged by them downstairs! That's all. OHYA, As promised yesterday, i'm posting something special? Not really special la! I just want to thank some few people!

First up! Andrew & Clique <3
Thanks! I know you guys dote on me a lot & you guys are very protective of me and stuffs! Really! I think you guys care more than my parents do. It happens that i woke up since that night when i saw you guys begging me to wake up. From that moment of time, i told myself never to let you guys disappointed again! So yep, that's why i'm always coming back by 5! But today i'm ultra sorry! At least i came back right! HAHAHA. Thanks for searching high & low for me whenever i went MIA. Thanks for always dealing my fucked up attitude. Thanks for trying to cheer me up with your ridiculous stuffs! Like no joke eh! Love you guys so much! MUAA.

Secondly! Marhuimin & Celeste Chew!
Both of this two bitch, Thanks for always standing by me all the time when i needed you guys. Always telling me & begging me to get over Teresa. Uhhuh. :) Love how close we are right now! Right baby? <3 Let's go through sec4 & 5 together smoothly. With no arguments, conflicts & misunderstanding alright! Let's tell each other about everything and not hide from each other. That's the rule alright!! Anything happen first thing call any of us horh!!! The priority thingy cannot change horh!! <3 HEHE. Ai si ni men le! MUAAAAAAAAA.

Basically! Ya that's all. Maybe Mary also laaa. She that siaogina. HAHA. Love her too! <3 Ahh, eyes closing already! Goodnight peeps! Will be back tomorrow! BYE! Ohya, mum coming back tmrw! :(

Monday, February 20, 2012

No matter how many quotes, and song lyrics, or however much you write your heart out, Sometimes words just can't describe how you feel.

I'm here to vent my anger, so sorry. Not interested then don't read it.

You freaking two-faced. Backstabbed us a million times. Gain sympathy from every single classmates. Talked bad about us. What's wrong with you? There's a freaking limit to everything my dear. Since Secondary 2, we gave you chance. Ask yourself. How many chances we gave you. I know you after joining our clique you somehow got more attention. Fuck sia, If you join us just for those freaking guys attention. SCREW YOU. Continue doing in whatever you do. I see how far could you go. So prepared to be a loner in class from tomorrow onwards. I can't even go to the extent of telling everybody what you save at your phone draft last time, don't try me. -.- I know i somehow steal Darren Teh from you, did you even put an effort to get his attention? No right. So stop saying that i took him away from you when you didn't even try. You always break promises & kept lying. I know my d&t somehow got higher than you but must you always look down on me with that fucktard face of yours. When my Design Journal got somehow the highest must you give those remarks? No right. If Pong say i'm alright, because that's him. You're my friend. My freaking good friend. & Fuck you seriously, We always tell you everything about us, our relationships, our problems. We treated you as friend. DID YOU EVER TREAT US AS FRIEND? I bet you treat us as a stepping stone for you to get close with our class guys. SMART MOVE BITCH. Ah fuck, done vending about you. Next.

Whoever you are, So what being with someone younger than you? Are you trying to say me also? You're indirectly saying CHEW but you are also somehow saying me also & some other people that got together with someone younger. You see, I love Teresa & Chew love that freaking cockroach. Are you freaking jealous that we can love someone younger while you could only love someone older? Fuck you seriously. I know we drifted apart alot since the day you quarreled with Chew & somehow i'm the one who influence you to smoke and stuffs & i regretted. I really do. Because you aren't the Renee i once knew.

Ah done with all those scoldings and blablabla. Talk about school. Nothing much happen today though just had a h2h talk session with Miss Yong in the staff room. JOKE. Not h2h talk session la. Confronting session. But Marhuimin & Chew is kinda jealous by how Miss Yong talk to me and treat me in everything. Hehe. English lesson i was super high and went to disturb what Miss Yong said and she kept laughing. CRAZY TEACHER WE HAVE. Ohya! Talking about LiMingZhu! Haha. I love him also. He's the freaking funniest and best teacher ever. Daily readers or schoolmates would know, i LOVE to be late for his class. As in me and CHEW. We're the " Late Queens " Today, LiMingZhu saw me talking to Teresa somewhere near class, he didn't chase me back WHEN NORMALLY. HE SEE ME TALKING TO ANYBODY HE WOULD FREAKING CHASE ME BACK. -.- Ohwell, He confiscate my ezlink card and forced us to commit that we wouldn't be late for his lesson anymore. WTHELL RIGHT. Went to yck stadium to watch our schl playing against xinmin. Sad to say, our school lost. :( But ohwell, i know our schl girls did their best. I still love Marhuimin and i still will talk to her when i say i wouldn't if she lost. HAHA. Saw Teresa mum in school talk to her and ran away. HAHAHA. I was too high to continue talking to her.

Mummy coming back soon, i got so used to night life, I scared i can't adapt once Mummy's come back. & Mandy can't come over as much as she used too. I would miss her. But sigh, what to do :( Ohya because of me going MIA so often the past few days. I have a curfew time set by Andrew & friends. I have to reach home by 5 everyday with someone accompanying me home if not they go school and fetch me. Wthell right. They also go to the extent of fetching me to school. WHATTHE. I rather die man. I'm like... so no freedom :( SIGH.

Be excited for tomorrow blog post! I'm going to like post something special. If i'm not lazy! Hehe :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I had a conversation with myself.

Hiakhiak! There's pictures today! <3

Let's talk about last night, Went to meet up with Teresa and h2h talk la. Because afterall, something happen between her and her girlfriend last night. She told me everything and i was like. OKAY... Cause i don't know what to say mah. IT'S A RELIEF SHE DIDN'T CRY. IF NOT I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. :/ Talked to her and she went home. Mandy came over and stay! So imagine how happy i was! <3 We did many stupid stuffs together last night. SUMPA. Shall keep it a secret!

Woke up because of Jiangyan. She said Mandy mum is downstairs. BOTH OF US FREAKED OUT. Just nice she's hugging me to sleep uh & Jiangyan came in suddenly and scare both of us. :/ Went down and confirm confirm. YES IS HER MUM. Went up woke her up drag her out of the bed & finally we're downstairs. :/

Was suppose to have tuition, but i cancelled it. Suppose to go to church, I got prepared but i'm lazy to go! So stayed at home. Got emo suddenly and ended up crying and went MIA. This time round i got nagged by so many people and Drew and friends found me. That's so unfair. :/ But still now i'm home. I was touched by the who, because she said she wanted to come down and ensure i'm alright. HAPPY YOU KNOW NOT. But nevermind, i think we're going out tomorrow! Shall see how! Anyway! That's all! Goodbye! I miss that bitch! :(

Friday, February 17, 2012

You are the only person that can make my heart beat faster and slower at the same time.

Backed home. Effing tired, but i'm blogging because... I'm bored. HA-HA. Just came back from Serangoon. Gosh, just found out that she stay so near my ahma. :/ Uhmm. That's random. I followed her all the way there because.. she almost cried on the bus just now. Although she act like she's okay. But i know she isn't alright at all. So yep, left her there. Planned to go find ahma but i've no idea what level she stay. Damn fail, afterall, i'm not really close with this Ahma la. Ohwell. :)

Talk about yesterday, School was perfectly okay. Waited at canteen for Teresa to be done with whatever she was doing, went to KB mac and ate lunch and studied till like 6 plus and we headed back. Uhm, Send her home la, cause very late already. Plus her mum set a rule for her that she has to be back by 7. :/ So ya, went MIA after what she said before leaving. But i guess, i made everybody worried. SORRY! But still, got home safely. :)

Today in school, totally shit. Class guys went to find YX. And ya, conflicts over conflicts. But in the end okay already. Ran 2.4 today. All of us pass. From Mr Ong face la. He looks happy though and even gave us early recess. :/ I mood-swing suddenly. :/ Saw her in the toilet and ignored her. :x Went back to class and sleep. Today assembly is damn funny because of those BB performance!

Went back home after nua-ing in school because Celeste waiting for Nikki, Went home and took a power nap and decided to go back to school to find Teresa because she seems moody and don't know what to do. So bathe and went over. Bump into many schoolmates. Alamak. SUAY. So we nua-ed at BBT shop there while waiting for her girlfriend to reply, can see that she like very lost lorh. HIAS. So in the end, i was like just go and find her la. She was like.... OKAY. So we bused to her house lorh. But her friend texted me, so ya. She almost cried SUMPA after seeing that text. But i was like trying my best to keep disturbing her. HAHAHA. Went nex. Saw Misaki. Didn't know is her till Teresa say. So i wanted to like BOO her. But failed cause she just nice turn back. SO EMBRASSING. So Teresa apologised to her. :/

Walked to her girlfriend place, HELL TIRED. :( SO FAR FROM NEX EH. :( Can actually take 76 go there want lorh. OHWELL. Basically that's what i did today & yesterday. I'm so confused now. So don't feel like blogging so ya! Goodbye!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

You don't need anybody that does not need you. Focus on those who truly appreciate you & get rid of those who don't.

A blog post without pictures again. SORRY. :/

Have been lagging of pictures or can say, i'm lazy to take pictures la. School today was perfectly NOT OKAY. As in to the part on.. after school. Will elaborate later! Fire drill today super KNS sia, it must freaking ring when i'm sleeping. -.- Strolled down. YES WE FREAKING STROLLED. We walked effing slow. :/ I think we were almost the last to reach. HAHA.

After that nothing nice happen in school already lorh, had lunch with Pong & Daren & Chew at hub, FOOD COURT of course. Chew treat me eat lunch. <3 Love her so much. Send her to yck cause she meeting Nikki and Brandon. :/ I went back to school to find for Teresa, studied together. This time round i really studied. Librarian kept disturbing. OHWAIT, I'M NOT STUDYING WITH TERESA ONLY. Teresa friend was there too. AWKWARD BUT.. HAHAHA. Nevermind. She doesn't want to be light bulb so ya, i go over to be another light bulb too. LOL! After that, library closed and we have to leave.

Accompanied Teresa to the toilet, we somehow had a war in the toilet :/ So i walked out of the toilet, and went back in cause she's freaking emo-ing there. -.- Pekchek sia. Forever emo-ing. Second round we somehow had a tiff again. Then i say she flirt. Then she got angry eh. She really got angry that she had the intention to leave me alone in the toilet. So i was like asking her to stay. So she stayed. :) But this time round, we didn't talk. The whole toilet like a quiet only. Cleaner outside thought nobody so she off the light and fans! GRR. I got pissed off because i talk to her she give me cold replies then what for i stay there right? So i walked out and went home.

Bus journey was bullshit, i cried, No idea why. Reached home locked myself in the room. Everybody was shocked. As in my mum worker and my maid. I cried like siaogina. Called Marhuimin & Priscillia. Mandy in the end came over. Because she also know i cried. But when she came over my tears all gone already. So she stayed and played at my place till 9.30 and i send her off to mrt. Was planning to like accompany her to her place, but in the end never cause my phone no more battery! :(

Walked home, bathe & now here am i blogging instead of studying SS. Okay la, going to study SS a little and go to bed already. I'm ultra ultra ultra tired! :/ Goodbye!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The pain of heartbreak is more overwhelming than the feeling of love itself.

It's Valentine today, what did you guys did? Want to know what i did today? :) NOTHING <3 Maybe because i don't have a date that's the reason why i'm such a lonely girl. No surprise this year but in the end, i'm going to give a surprise, but praying hard that i could bump into her. :/ I don't know if i should go give the surprise not, still considering at the moment. but 90% i would. :/

Talk about school today, nothing much happen though. Just that the part on i couldn't find Teresa really made me cry. :/ Ya, i cried. How dumb eh. She let me climbed up the stairs for like don't know how many times and asked Mr Koh where were you. HAHA. But in the end she was alright, i bet she doesn't even know how freaked out i was when i couldn't find her. & Classmates was like chuatio to see her point middle finger at me. HAHAHA. Ohwell. :')

Marhuimin & Priscillia & Priscillia friend came over to my place. I really thank God for them coming, at least someone to accompany me ley! :( Send marhuimin to bus-stop and i headed home! :) Saw ahem ex and called him!

Poyin currently at my place now, received quite alot of letters today <3 Thanks alot bitches :/ Took photo with Whitney. I look so adorable, Maybe because i don't look fat la. HAHAHAHA. I know i damn BHB. Uhmmm, short update today cause have to get prepared and that's all for today! Goodbye! :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.

No pictures for today, Boring post. <3

Went to school just in time, :) Nua at the toilet because don't want to go for assembly. Slept through history, chinese, maths & physics today. :) LiMingZhu is the funniest, I told him 10 minutes later i would wake up. He walked away. 10 minutes later he came to me and wake me up. Cute sia he. Went to find Teresa after school. Pangseh Chew because of her :@ I'm a nice girl you know you know. So we went to have lunch together, but before that we went to find Valda to chit-chat. I kept disturbing her while she was eating & she's meeting with her girlfriend and i'm going home so we took the same bus 45. The fucking bus like a slow only :@ Wait for like 10-15 minutes then the bus came. GRRR. Board the bus, both of us hell tired and fell asleep. We missed both of our bus stop & don't know ended up where. I keep complaining i want to vomit because i'm really really really very uncomfortable so we dropped at the next stop. The awkward moment when i really want to vomit i just sat on the floor. On the road. I bet Teresa was like wtfuck, HAHAHA. But still manage to stand up and continue walking. We waited for 45 again at the opposite side, waited for like 10-15 minutes again :@ We again fell asleep but this time round, she missed her stop. NOT ME :) So we alighted at my place, and accompanied her to bus-stop THOUGH she kept pestering me to go home because i was really unwell. BUT I'M A GOOD FRIEND YOU KNOW. Okay, super bullshit. :/ She left and i went home & sleep. So here i am right now. I'm going to write Valentine's letter after blogging! <3

Ohya, many things happen last night. I forget some, remember some. I was dead drunk but all i remember is we kept going down non-stop and we cried. You sat at the staircase and cried and all i could do is say sorry. :'( The feeling so sucky you know! :/ No idea if you would be seeing this, but let me tell you that everything i said when i'm drunk is the truth. I cried to sleep every single night without you by my side. I fall more for you every single day. If we couldn't be lovers, but i would be your best friend. Who would be always there for you if you needed me. :) Somehow, i love the time when you would grab me and somehow i felt assured that i did mattered to you. I love the time when you saw me crying and you would hug me and wipe those tears away from my eyes. I love the time when you tried to guide the way because i'm very drunk. I love the time when we would never be awkward at all.

K la k la. Valentine's tomorrow. I'm spending it alone at home. How awesome :) Unless someone sweet enough to give me surprise like last year lorh. HAHA. Expecting too much. Alright then! Have to write those letter's now. Goodbye! ^^

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The biggest mistake I made in my life is letting people stay in my life longer than they deserve.

RWAR. I look horrible in that picture but ohwell, deal with it~ Had no intention to blog today till two things happen today which cause me can't have a good nap & of course i cried. So let me tell you the first person who somehow went missing today.

1. Teresa.
Got a text from her girlfriend, she told me she was missing. Freaked out and panic with her. LOL. So asked friends staying at sembawang to go over to mac and asked if did she went to work today. Celeste's papaya was freaking malu because it ended up she didn't went for work. But Teresa gave me a call in the end because she know that i was looking for her, that's not the point. The point is knowing she's alright. That's all that matters.

2. Priscillia.
We were supposed to head out today, but i pangseh cause i'm really tired and uncomfortable & plus my brother being a bitch today. :( So yep, She called around 9 plus asking me to go down to KB mac, i said i can't because my brother being a bitch. So ya, but i got another call from Marhuimin that telling me that Priscillia cried after talking over the phone with me and went missing. I freaked out again, and panic again. Danny text me asked me to go over and decided to go over because i also miss her alot too. :/ I almost cried when i couldn't flagged a cab. At the same time, it happen that i'm talking over the phone with Marhuimin so somehow i calmed down. Reached already and Priscilla wasn't there only Marhuimin. So we waited for them to come back, She came back, i don't know what's wrong with me. I gave her fucked up attitude, maybe because at the same time i couldn't find for Teresa and it's already 9 plus at that time. Really regretted giving her attitude. When she board the bus, i wanted to like give her a hug because she was stressed. Sigh, regret not giving. I miss how close we were last time, i miss how happy we were last time. Today was.... crap. I'm really sorry pris. I know you got freaked out and stressed out by Danny. I'm sorry for not understanding you. :( Sigh....

Yep, basically that's all for today. Waiting for Mandy to come over right now. Going to like have a good talk with her with the help of beer. Because when i'm drunk everything i said is the truth. & i remember she saying i'm very cute when i'm drunk because i have high-pitch voice. Plus my action and stuffs also lah. But praying hard that i could wake up for school tomorrow. CANNOT BE LATE YO. :/ I need morning call <3 Whose the kind soul who could give me morning call. HEHEHE. <3 Joking la. Okay that's all. Goodbye.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I wanna cuddle with you, snuggle with you, kiss you, laugh with you. I wanna do everything with you!

One picture will do for today. Mandy just left my place not long ago. :/ Starting to miss her already. I'm very afraid something would happen to her once she got home. Maybe i should like go and find her or something later on. Shall see how it goes. :/ Gave church a miss today. Ultra guilty. But still, i enjoyed myself at home. :) Uhmm, not really. :/

We fell asleep last night because we're ultra tired, wait wrong. I can't sleep but she fell asleep! :/ Like after skyping with Marhuimin of course. She was putting mask at that time and was freaking us out. :( I kept cheating her feeling that something just flowed past, and she believed. & we ended up tickling each other.

In the morning, woke up because of Marhuimin because i'm suppose to wake her up and i had tution in the morning too & something happen during tuition and it made me freaked out like seriously. Tuition teacher also freaked out together with me. He's super funny. LOL. Mandy & I got pretty high at the point when she could give me LB but i couldn't give her LB. So it's pretty unfair. :/

I was ultra down after hearing what she say, it just tells me like i'm just nothing in her eyes. That's all. So i went super quiet and almost cried. So i told her i went down and smoke. In fact, i smoked and cried. She didn't bother and continue sleeping. :@ So i went back up after smoking a few sticks and of course done crying i sat there and fell asleep. But abit uncomfortable so i go up to the bed. This time round, i put a bloster in between us and use a different blanket. Totally ignored her. Cried and fell asleep.

I got woken up by her hug and assurance that i'm alright. Covered myself under the blanket. Had some war and told her i want to vomit so she could distant herself from me. At that moment, i took the chance and went down again. She followed behind. I didn't knew. I thought i was going to be alone again. She kept asking if i'm alright. So i forced a smile on my face and told her i'm perfectly alright. So we went mad and threw stuffs into people house. SHE DOING THE JOB. But sadly, she missed. AND IT HAPPEN THAT WE PLAN TO THROW INTO MY HOUSE. Bump into HW, JF & YX.

Came up and heard Jiangyan and her son quarreling AGAIN. Everytime she has to be there when they quarrel. She was very hungry because we skipped breakfast and lunch. :/ So we were very afraid to go out of the house to get biscuits. But still we manage to go out and grab it. HEHE. How awesome. :) After eating everything, she had to go. Didn't manage to give her a goodbye hug because i'm skyping with mummy. :( So yep, will be seeing her tomorrow with Marhuimin and Priscillia. HAPPY DIE. So alright, will post till here. Goodbye. :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

I don't know what I'm in love with anymore; you or the memories.

YIPEE! There's pictures today! Zilian on mummy iPhone before she left for Hongkong. Was talking over the phone with Marhuimin & Mandy last night. Funniest part is, Mandy thought we said Chinatown when we said Clarke Quay. ADORABLE LAH SHE. Next.. School today... 

First period was History, i was sleeping through it but before that half of the lesson i'm not in class. Hehe. I went down popular to get school socks. :/ As an excuse of course, who wants to stuck in the freaking class for History. Boring lesson ever. -.- But it happen that Tomato teacher very good today he let me sleep and asked if i understand what he's teaching. I said, Yep and i promise him i'll score better grades for my CA1. Not going to play anymore . :) 

Next period was Social Studies, i was basically, playing and not doing my assignment at all. :/ Told Mdm Seh i'm not feeling well and she let me sleep. I swear today lesson damn slack and shiok. Hehe. Cause i'm sleeping for almost every single lesson because all the teacher eat wrong medicine let me sleep. HAHAHAHA. After that, got prepared for PE. I was dreading PE to come because it's 2.4. FREAKING 2.4 horh! So while changing, i basically have to drag myself out of the class. :/ 

PE. This is the fucking first time in my life i completed my 2.4 run. :/ Plus walking & cheating of course. I never once..... complete okay. So somehow, i improved. Mr Chew also kinda happy also cause i keep pouting and give him the sad face. :/ HAHAHA. Recess, didn't ate cause kinda no appetite. & we went back to class and dry our hair, cause it's wet. LOL. Saw Joel Zhang freezing so i gave him my jacket and he look so warm inside. THANKS TO MY LEOPARD JACKET. :) After that was Physics lesson, i thought there was a class test so i hide in the toilet and nua on the floor. SERIOUSLY MY CLASS TOILET THE FLOOR DAMN NICE TO NUA. Maybe because the aunty just clean the toilet & it felt so clean that i just sat there. :/ 

Physics lesson damn funny. I damn KP & high no idea why. :/ I keep spot Mr Ng mistake and he got so fed-up and asked me go and do on the board. My class guys having fun with my jacket because of the hoodie and they act like they are boxer. Typical mad guys. OHYA. MANY PEOPLE GAVE SCHOOL A MISS TODAY. Then i got punished to face the wall CAUSE he don't like my laughter. WHAT THE HELL RIGHT. :/ Mr Ng was sick so the way he talk is super funny that me and hanxue kept laughing. NON-STOP.  

After that was nua-ing at canteen because i don't know where to go! I'm still considering if i should got d&t or just go home and sleep or study with that idiot. I DONT KNOW LA. SOOOOO, In the end i went to Ngee Ann poly. Kinda regret that i went there because... It's hell boring, i slept at the seminar. Didn't learn anything at all. No joke. Plus go already reach home so late. I DON'T LIKE. Went back to school hoping to see her but nope, didn't. Nevermind. At that point of time, my phone battery was flat, so imagine how bored i was. Reached home charge saw my whatsapp, i laughed like siao. Because... HAHHA. NEVERMIND. Currently whatsapp-ing Nicole & Mary. Jeez. Should i go sembawang now? :( Chew wants me to go but i'm so lazy to go ley! :( Shall see how later! That's all for today! Goodbye! Will be here tomorrow with pictures! :> 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Love allows you to see the good in a person, even when no one else does.

Uhmmm, No pictures again. Sorry. But today main point is i'm going to blog about Mandy. Before that shall talk about school?

Super love Miss Yong reaction when she saw me back in school. I think she's the best teacher man. HAHA. Wasn't really feeling very well the whole day, but certain period of time, i'm like a normal girl or can say i look perfectly normal and not sick at all. But in actual fact, i'm very sick. I'm literally freezing in class, i almost vomitted in the toilet till i collapsed on the toilet floor sitting down there crying. My friends knew? Nope. All they see is me being perfectly normal. Nevermind. I still got so high that i went around playing with the guys. Example. Pong. Haha. Marhuimin wasn't at class today because she has match. I miss her. No joke. :'(

Alright about Mandy now,
I guess i got so used to having her beside me? Like at most she's only gone for 3-4 hours and i could be able to see her. But for yesterday, after like only 13 hours later i saw her. That fucked up feeling that i couldn't see her and hug her to sleep. Very killing you know? :/ Somehow, i've no idea what kind of friendship or can say what kind of relationship we are right now. We behave like couple when nobody's around. When there's people we behave like normal friend, but smart people would know sometimes wrong with us. HA-HA. We're freaking once enemy and now we're like friends. Weird for me to fall for you. I guess, it's difficult for me to treat you back as friend because right now. All i can say is, i love you. Yes, i love you so much, Bryan asked me if everything is worth it, & i said. Seeing you smile after everything, it will be worth it.

I cried to sleep last night, i think i would be crying to sleep almost every night till you're back beside me. So yep. That's all for today. :/ Goodbye. Excited for school tomorrow? Kinda~ But i don't feel like going to the Ngee Ann poly thingy. :( I'm currently niaming to Celeste about Mandy. Ohya, we're okay already. Our arguments never last more than 24 hours. :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Reality is the mirror of your thoughts, choose wisely what you put in front of your mirror.

No pictures again. Ultra sorry. :'(

Something happen last night. I was so worried about mand I woke up found her not in the room. I panic, i searched high and low for the keys. Went down, almost cried out because i couldn't find her. I was really really really very worried. You've no idea how it felt, I'm so afraid she would like jump down the building or something. In the end found her, Asked her not to cry but she still did, in the end. She back faced me. That was the time, i broke into tears. I feel so useless not being able to cheer her up, not being able to make her stop crying. So i walked away as she noticed that i'm crying. I cried out and she came beside me and gave me a hug. & blablabla. That's all. Went home and both of us fell asleep.

Woke up at 6 plus but went back to sleep because both of us couldn't drag ourself out of the bed. So we decided to give school a miss. Marhuimin came over to my place at woke me and mand up. Went to CB mac and had breakfast. I ate the slowest. No idea why. Then plan to like slack slack near my block but i mood-swing uh. Walked home and leave both of them. HAHAHA. Few minutes later they called me. :/ Went down with mandy specs. And started nua-ing downstairs. No idea where to go. :( In the end, all of them decided to accompany me go airport fetch my mum. Sweet of them. :) Went back to school to grab my file. Really very awkward though because.... me and celeste not really at a good state right now. :(

But went in to school and everybody reaction when they saw me was really big. NO JOKE. Accompanied MARHUIMIN to go to canteen while me and mandy went to BBT and slack. Decided to come over my place. Studied together, I cried and she SOMEHOW comfort me. AGAIN. & She said i cried everyday. -.- Send her off just now and she gave me a goodbye hug. DIDN'T EXPECT IT OKAY. I really love the four days with her. :) LIKE SERIOUSLY, I'm the happiest girl in my life. But i don't know for her lah. HAHAHA. I seriously need to go to school tomorrow. NO JOKE. Have been skipping for like days already :/

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Shine like stars, burning brightly for a moment in everlasting eternity.

Pure word entry cause no pictures. I'll go to the point. Didn't went school today partly because of my cramp & partly because i overslept. Chew was kinda not happy because i didn't go school. :/ Sleep till like afternoon plus & Poyin came. She had her tuition while i did my own stuffs. Went to see doctor and went around my area to find for what i need, but don't have the brand i want :@ So went home instead. Bump into Jin feng, Jin hong & some seniors. All at different timing? Suay or what. LOL. Basically that's what i did today. I have to go to school tomorrow. :(

Mummy coming back from Malaysia tomorrow. So not excited for it, though she's in singapore for two days only. Mummy birthday coming also & i haven get anything for her yet. :/ I was really drunk last night till i don't know what did i say. I think confirm something stupid and ridiculous. :( I seriously love doing stupid stuffs when i'm drunk, so i guess next time cannot drink with my boyfriend/girlfriend. I will embarrass myself. LOL. Uhm, super love the time with that person the past few days. 4 days straight? Awesome or what? Hehe. Be jealous people. Joking. That's all for today. Goodbye.

I think she saw i blogged that i study with her. But gosh, we're just studying only nothing much. Plus we didn't really talk because i'm sleeping and she's doing. At least study with someone is better than studying alone? Plus i've no idea where i want to go also. OKAY THAT'S ALL. I really don't want to see they quarrel eh. :/ Will damn guilty. *NOJOKE* & FYI, i already moved on. :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

I do still love you. But that doesn't matter to you anymore. Right?

Shall blog today. Sorry for not blogging for the past few days. Busy & lazy i guess. :) Shall use tumblr pictures for today. Because i've no idea where's my memory card for my camera. :) Today's theme would all be LESBIAN. Because i find LESBIAN very hot. (Y) I shall start by saying what happen on Friday.

If i didn't remember wrongly, nothing much happen in school just that during PE class we girls got high and started drawing on our PE PANTS with chalk. >< BASICALLY, That's the most exciting thing happen in school that day. LOL. Afterall, it's friday. Had d&t after school. Went to catch a movie with Poyin. Meet her at hub, But i cabbed to school with some of my class guys. SUNBIAN MAH. Pangseh them. HEHE. We watch We Not Naughty. Gosh, i cried eh. I find it damn touching. :'( AND i did laugh of course. Bump into Daren and clique after the movie. Went home after movie, that's all for that day :) I SKIPPED TUITION THAT DAY. :>

I was supposed to reach Batok at 7 in the morning but i overslept, He also overslept, so we met in the afternoon instead. LOL. But in the morning was basically talking over the phone with AHCHEW. I wore my " Cheetah " jacket out that day. GOSH. I all the while thought is leopard but after closer look and investigating it. I think it looks more like cheetah prints than leopard prints. BUT STILL, i love that jacket ALOT. <3 The first thing he say when he saw me was " OMG, WHERE YOU GET YOUR JACKET I WANT. " Haha. He said that okay. A GUY SAID THAT. Went to church after meeting him, i didn't intend to go because i'm very tired but i still drag myself to go because of MARY & TWINNEH. Everybody love hugging me that day because i'm so soft and nice to hug. WRONG. Is my jacket! HAHAHA. Didn't stayed for cell because phone battery running out & i never regret not staying for cell. HAHAHA. After that, friend came over and drink and stuffs and collapse at 5plus in the morning. 

Friend was at my place for almost the whole day. We watched Human Centipede 2 together. AWESOME SHOW. I bet my friend going to say i'm mad for rating the show 9/10 when the rating on funshion is like 5/10. I just find this show INTERESTING, i'm not like that RETARDED guy doing pervertic and retarded stuffs. Basically, that's how my sunday was spend. :'( 

Woke up late because..... HAHAHAH. SECRET. Wanted to cab go school but no cab. Wanted to bus go school but no bus. IN THE END, we went to CB mac and sleep at CB mac till i bump into my aunty and i freaked out. Lucky she didn't see me. Marhuimin called few minutes after i left CB mac. She asked me to dabao HARSHBROWN for them. Gosh, thanks to them my bag still stink of harshbrown! Nevermind. Bused to school. Bump into Mr Koh and he said that i've to run 40 rounds. I almost fainted hearing that but nevermind in the end i also didn't run 40 rounds. HEHEHE. Basically, that's all. MARHUIMIN crazy want sia. She eat harshbrown in the toilet out of so many place in the school. OHGOSH.  Went to class because GOODGIRL. No lah, cause we have nowhere to go so we go class lorh~ Recess was alright though nothing much happen. I slept through maths because my cramp is killing me. Mrs Yeo let me sleep. HAPPYDIE. Went to find Mr Koh and he punished me to sit there till 6 ( that's what he said at first ) but after i went to canteen and went up and find him again he just said okay la till 3 will do. I'M SUPER HAPPY OKAY. He release me at 3 plus cause DM keep walking out and in. Didn't settle down :@ Had one to one remedial with LIMINGZHU. Best teacher ever okay. After that i planned to go hub with CASSAN but the bus not here yet and actually i don't really want to go to hub also. Went back to school because somehow someone wanted to study with me. HAHAHAHAH. In the end, she was studying. I'm sleeping. JOKING LA. I did studied. A LITTLE. Better than nothing what. I think Valda was somehow shocked to see both of us studying together is like... how the fuck can we be friends. HAHAHA. It's a very difficult think to have someone you love so much to be your friend. BUT IT TAKES TIME. :) I think one day she would be able to do what i'm doing now. :') Went home about 5 plus because i thought i'm going to have tuition but in the end, i pon tuition because my cramp is killing me. :( Basically, that's all for today. Busy day but i like. :D 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

It hurts the most when the person who made you feel so special yesterday makes you feel so unwanted today.

I really love today a lot a lot. Let me brief you what happen. Hehehe. <3 Woke up in the morning smiling to myself because i saw something which makes me really really very happy. It happen that today i somehow went school earlier than normal days and happen to saw her in the morning. But i doubt she saw me. NEVERMIND, cause that's not the point. But what really spoil my day is i saw those bunch of sluts outside school :) Came in school and niam to Celeste and Cassan. :) After that was D&T, we didn't use the computer lab today because the express took it :@ So we use the tech room which equals. NO AIR-CON. Effing hot. :(

After that was SS and i slept. And Recess, i was hunting for calculator cause i've to use it during Maths lesson and the class test during remedial. Asked " HIM " to ask YX for me. " HIM " don't seems to get it and he's so blur. GOSH. " HIM " went to tell YX that i'm finding for him i guess. GOSH. And he's so KP also lorh. I ask him if he has calculator. He say HAVE.... *few seconds later* At home. :@ So feel like killing him. Ohwell, i wouldn't bare too. :x After that went up to third level and start finding for calculator :@ AND i asked her. I bet she was shocked i would talk to her, but ohwell, i still did in the end. That's all that matters. & i lend my calculator from MARY instead, so somehow, she save the day! <3 

After Maths was, CF, but CF nothing much happen. After CF was english. That's the funniest thing on earth. <3 We were like skipping chinese class, got caught red-handed. Got nagged by the whoever, instead of LiMingZhu scolding. He just told us not to do it again because me and CHEW are forever late. Promised him that we wouldn't anymore. WHAT A LIE. But i sang the " Barney Song " because it happen that i don't know that slut's friend seems to like Barney and i happen to saw the bag hanging a barney. Kinda upset when i ask YX did he heard me singing, he said no :( So effort wasted. JEEZ. After that was Maths Remedial, did our class test and we could go! YEAH! :D

( The happy moment starts now.. ) 

* I can't say the name out so i will name the guy " A " and the girl " B " *

Met up with " A " outside school, and we came to a conclusion on where to go when " B " arrives. We bused to my house. We planned to like go to CB mac to nua once i charge my phone till like 50 percent. But in the end, we nua till like 5 plus and we only went out of house to go hub to meet up with Sean Chua. We walked to hub okay, don't play play. JOKING. I was hell awkward because i'm somehow the " light bulb " so i talked on the phone with someone. :) Reached where Sean Chua was waiting. GOSH, he changed so much :( He got tanner and somehow.. more mature. So not like him :( I treated him drinks while " A " went to get food cause he has been complaining he's hungry from my house. So he got food. What's worst, Me & " B " kept quarreling non-stop. In the end, all of us play the SHUT UP game. Cause i keep asking " A " to shut up. In the end, " A " lost and all of us laughed. He pestered to go hub and so we agreed. Sean Chua effing funny and joker, we walked to whole hub within 15 minutes, HOW AWESOME. & we're super random and start talking about BRA. I tell you hub is the worst place to slack, maybe because i stay near hub. :x Even though, me & sean didn't really talk today, but you know i finally understood the feeling of meeting up with someone who you didn't contact for a period of time. That feeling is like.. (Y) Okay. Enough about that, Sean Chua left at 7.30 cause he's meeting up with his other friend. :x 

Sooooooooo, I trained to sembawang with " A " & " B ". In the end " A " & I cabbed home. He's such a gentleman, he paid for the cab fee. But i don't wanna bully him so gave him like 5 dollars. OKAY, BETTER THAN NOTHING RIGHT. Bused home today, normally i would take like the U-turn la. But today i need the toilet badly :( So i crossed the road like how i always do, this time round, i almost got hit by a car, i freaking saw the car so far away eh and he horn me wtf, and he say " You want die isit " GRR. Hate drivers like them :@ Reached home about 9 :) GOODGIRL96. I wanted to like drink tonight.. Maybe i should :) See how later lorh. :D 

I'm happy today because...
1. I can finally see Sean Chua
2. I finally bond my friendship with " B "
3. I got to know more about " HIM "
4. Didn't quarrel with her today :D HAHAHAHA.
5. Mummy's not in Singapore.
& many more.......

Gosh, there's a mad lady shouting across the blocks. She's so loud. I wonder what's happening. Either, her children doesn't want to listen to her or the husband want a divorce. Cause what me and Bryan heard was " 你不可以这样对我。" & " 你现在到底在哪里?" Hehe. I know me and Bryan very busybody. Gosh i'm blogging so late today. Sorry! My readers drop like siao, cause i change my link :( SAD YOU KNOW. Nevermind. Bryan ask me something funny 
Bryan : Rachel, why you change your blog link? 
Me : Cause have a lot of haters lorh 
Bryan : Then what do you normally blog?  
Me : My feelings, what happen in school & sometimes bitch about people 
Bryan : Wah, i didn't know my sister so bitchy.

You know i won't expect any of my current readers to read like every single word i write, i guess i've to stop blogging a wordy post from today. Anyway, that's all for today because i'm going to skype with mummy now. Goodbye. :')

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but dream, not only plan, but also believe.

School today was somehow excited, somehow boring. Shall not say out what happen period by period, i shall just say what's those exciting stuffs that happen in school today :)

1. Chapel, i fell asleep and didn't get caught. AWESOME. (Y) Miss Lim was behind us as usual, and the funny part is while we're going to stand up for benediction. SAN spotted the guy in front of us. Hehe. We saw his boxers/underwear. Hanxue told Miss Lim and those who notice as in my row lah. We started laughing but not really loud. Till Miss Lim told hanxue to tell him about it. And i really laugh effing loud cause she's so straight-forward. And his face like a blush only. Like bully sia, but ohwell. :D

2. After school, Had Birthday celebration at canteen. Chocolate cake, superb (Y) After that had an argument outside school with x and the whoever, cause gosh, Both super KP. Not really lah, Felt pretty sad for x. He's so innocent but he got screamed by me for nothing. And poor whoever, he got beaten up for nothing also. NOT BY ME. I'm not that violent. :D This argument last kinda long cause it happen that we still talked over the phone once i'm home. But i think now okay already :)

My current twitter rants, is about someone. I've no idea why i'm giving him such cold replies. I even ignored him right now. I've no idea what i'm doing. I'm sorry. :( Maybe it's just i think we got close to suddenly and i think everything need to slow down a little. I don't want a relationship going hair-wire again. :( & About the whoever that i fell for, he's like sec2 lah. Okay lah. Don't say i'm pedo but i'm in love with his blur look. But i know i never had a chance, so i'm slowly giving up. But chew told me not too, but i am still going too. :) 

Gosh, i went to read her blog, but you know, i'm not going to say her back or blog about her because as SHE say, she want me to be more mature right? Alright then, i don't want to quarrel with girls younger than me, you can say a lot of stuffs about me right now and i wouldn't say anything at all, MAYBE till you go overboard i would :) But you know, Karma will strike you one day :) 

Goodbye loves, I love you guys so much. I bet she will bitch about me saying i want to act like a victim~ & I'm so honoured of being on her blog. JOKING LA. Meeting Sean Chua tomorrow for dinner. Happygirl96. :D Finally can see him after like months and years. It might be awkward but i bet we could be as close as how we was last time.