Wednesday, February 1, 2012

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but dream, not only plan, but also believe.

School today was somehow excited, somehow boring. Shall not say out what happen period by period, i shall just say what's those exciting stuffs that happen in school today :)

1. Chapel, i fell asleep and didn't get caught. AWESOME. (Y) Miss Lim was behind us as usual, and the funny part is while we're going to stand up for benediction. SAN spotted the guy in front of us. Hehe. We saw his boxers/underwear. Hanxue told Miss Lim and those who notice as in my row lah. We started laughing but not really loud. Till Miss Lim told hanxue to tell him about it. And i really laugh effing loud cause she's so straight-forward. And his face like a blush only. Like bully sia, but ohwell. :D

2. After school, Had Birthday celebration at canteen. Chocolate cake, superb (Y) After that had an argument outside school with x and the whoever, cause gosh, Both super KP. Not really lah, Felt pretty sad for x. He's so innocent but he got screamed by me for nothing. And poor whoever, he got beaten up for nothing also. NOT BY ME. I'm not that violent. :D This argument last kinda long cause it happen that we still talked over the phone once i'm home. But i think now okay already :)

My current twitter rants, is about someone. I've no idea why i'm giving him such cold replies. I even ignored him right now. I've no idea what i'm doing. I'm sorry. :( Maybe it's just i think we got close to suddenly and i think everything need to slow down a little. I don't want a relationship going hair-wire again. :( & About the whoever that i fell for, he's like sec2 lah. Okay lah. Don't say i'm pedo but i'm in love with his blur look. But i know i never had a chance, so i'm slowly giving up. But chew told me not too, but i am still going too. :) 

Gosh, i went to read her blog, but you know, i'm not going to say her back or blog about her because as SHE say, she want me to be more mature right? Alright then, i don't want to quarrel with girls younger than me, you can say a lot of stuffs about me right now and i wouldn't say anything at all, MAYBE till you go overboard i would :) But you know, Karma will strike you one day :) 

Goodbye loves, I love you guys so much. I bet she will bitch about me saying i want to act like a victim~ & I'm so honoured of being on her blog. JOKING LA. Meeting Sean Chua tomorrow for dinner. Happygirl96. :D Finally can see him after like months and years. It might be awkward but i bet we could be as close as how we was last time. 

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