Friday, February 17, 2012

You are the only person that can make my heart beat faster and slower at the same time.

Backed home. Effing tired, but i'm blogging because... I'm bored. HA-HA. Just came back from Serangoon. Gosh, just found out that she stay so near my ahma. :/ Uhmm. That's random. I followed her all the way there because.. she almost cried on the bus just now. Although she act like she's okay. But i know she isn't alright at all. So yep, left her there. Planned to go find ahma but i've no idea what level she stay. Damn fail, afterall, i'm not really close with this Ahma la. Ohwell. :)

Talk about yesterday, School was perfectly okay. Waited at canteen for Teresa to be done with whatever she was doing, went to KB mac and ate lunch and studied till like 6 plus and we headed back. Uhm, Send her home la, cause very late already. Plus her mum set a rule for her that she has to be back by 7. :/ So ya, went MIA after what she said before leaving. But i guess, i made everybody worried. SORRY! But still, got home safely. :)

Today in school, totally shit. Class guys went to find YX. And ya, conflicts over conflicts. But in the end okay already. Ran 2.4 today. All of us pass. From Mr Ong face la. He looks happy though and even gave us early recess. :/ I mood-swing suddenly. :/ Saw her in the toilet and ignored her. :x Went back to class and sleep. Today assembly is damn funny because of those BB performance!

Went back home after nua-ing in school because Celeste waiting for Nikki, Went home and took a power nap and decided to go back to school to find Teresa because she seems moody and don't know what to do. So bathe and went over. Bump into many schoolmates. Alamak. SUAY. So we nua-ed at BBT shop there while waiting for her girlfriend to reply, can see that she like very lost lorh. HIAS. So in the end, i was like just go and find her la. She was like.... OKAY. So we bused to her house lorh. But her friend texted me, so ya. She almost cried SUMPA after seeing that text. But i was like trying my best to keep disturbing her. HAHAHA. Went nex. Saw Misaki. Didn't know is her till Teresa say. So i wanted to like BOO her. But failed cause she just nice turn back. SO EMBRASSING. So Teresa apologised to her. :/

Walked to her girlfriend place, HELL TIRED. :( SO FAR FROM NEX EH. :( Can actually take 76 go there want lorh. OHWELL. Basically that's what i did today & yesterday. I'm so confused now. So don't feel like blogging so ya! Goodbye!

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