Wednesday, February 29, 2012

She’s constantly pushing away guys that actually care, all because she’s still in love with the one who doesn’t

As i mention on twitter, if i blogged today. It would be a really wordy post because somehow words at this moment of time express how i really feel & what i want to say. But i'll add some tumblr pictures to brighten up this blogpost. <3 Shall start ranting about Lesbians.

I really hate those people who look down on Lesbians and disapproving a lesbian relationship. I know lesbian to you guys is a really very disgusting topic to ever think about. I once thought that lesbian was really disgusting. But guess what, I was all the while wrong. Do you know the feeling of being with a girl who acts like a guys, when that certain guys knows how an exact girl feels. It's like they could read your mind, they knows you exact feel. Falling for a same person with a same sex, isn't wrong. It's like, An older girl loving a younger guy, Wrong? An older guy loving a younger girl, Wrong? No. So why look down on Lesbians or maybe Gays. We are still human being, we are also fighting for the acceptance of the society. & have you guys ever thought what's the reason of we girls turning into lesbian? Since you don't know how stress or what problem we face after or before becoming a lesbian. Shouldn't you guys spare a little thought for us before commenting? As i said earlier, We're HUMAN BEING. We have the SAME THINKING & THOUGHTS, it's just that WE happen to fall for the same sex, but you guys happen to fall for someone of a different sex. I really hope you guys.. stop commenting... That's all. Thanks so much... :)

Next up, I'm really surprised by the feed-back i got when i went missing for about half a day. I didn't expect marhuimin to cry. REALLY. But i thank god for letting me have friends like them. Basically, yesterday was the worst day i had out of this year. First time seeing mummy and Bryan cried damn badly till i promised to be a good girl from then on. Won't contact her and stuffs. But i myself know i couldn't but i still promised. But i'll really really really work hard to don't talk to her like how i did in school today. Not on the part of giving her a letter. Because that letter would be the last thing of how we contact. I guess & hope so. It's a difficult choice for me i'm serious. I can literally cry at the thought of not talking to you forever. Because the past 8 months. You meant the most to me & maybe you still would. No of course, you still are. But... I don't know... Tell me what to do? HAIS.

Forget it, i've no mood to blog suddenly. Get back to you guys soon. Like maybe tomorrow or something..

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