Thursday, February 2, 2012

It hurts the most when the person who made you feel so special yesterday makes you feel so unwanted today.

I really love today a lot a lot. Let me brief you what happen. Hehehe. <3 Woke up in the morning smiling to myself because i saw something which makes me really really very happy. It happen that today i somehow went school earlier than normal days and happen to saw her in the morning. But i doubt she saw me. NEVERMIND, cause that's not the point. But what really spoil my day is i saw those bunch of sluts outside school :) Came in school and niam to Celeste and Cassan. :) After that was D&T, we didn't use the computer lab today because the express took it :@ So we use the tech room which equals. NO AIR-CON. Effing hot. :(

After that was SS and i slept. And Recess, i was hunting for calculator cause i've to use it during Maths lesson and the class test during remedial. Asked " HIM " to ask YX for me. " HIM " don't seems to get it and he's so blur. GOSH. " HIM " went to tell YX that i'm finding for him i guess. GOSH. And he's so KP also lorh. I ask him if he has calculator. He say HAVE.... *few seconds later* At home. :@ So feel like killing him. Ohwell, i wouldn't bare too. :x After that went up to third level and start finding for calculator :@ AND i asked her. I bet she was shocked i would talk to her, but ohwell, i still did in the end. That's all that matters. & i lend my calculator from MARY instead, so somehow, she save the day! <3 

After Maths was, CF, but CF nothing much happen. After CF was english. That's the funniest thing on earth. <3 We were like skipping chinese class, got caught red-handed. Got nagged by the whoever, instead of LiMingZhu scolding. He just told us not to do it again because me and CHEW are forever late. Promised him that we wouldn't anymore. WHAT A LIE. But i sang the " Barney Song " because it happen that i don't know that slut's friend seems to like Barney and i happen to saw the bag hanging a barney. Kinda upset when i ask YX did he heard me singing, he said no :( So effort wasted. JEEZ. After that was Maths Remedial, did our class test and we could go! YEAH! :D

( The happy moment starts now.. ) 

* I can't say the name out so i will name the guy " A " and the girl " B " *

Met up with " A " outside school, and we came to a conclusion on where to go when " B " arrives. We bused to my house. We planned to like go to CB mac to nua once i charge my phone till like 50 percent. But in the end, we nua till like 5 plus and we only went out of house to go hub to meet up with Sean Chua. We walked to hub okay, don't play play. JOKING. I was hell awkward because i'm somehow the " light bulb " so i talked on the phone with someone. :) Reached where Sean Chua was waiting. GOSH, he changed so much :( He got tanner and somehow.. more mature. So not like him :( I treated him drinks while " A " went to get food cause he has been complaining he's hungry from my house. So he got food. What's worst, Me & " B " kept quarreling non-stop. In the end, all of us play the SHUT UP game. Cause i keep asking " A " to shut up. In the end, " A " lost and all of us laughed. He pestered to go hub and so we agreed. Sean Chua effing funny and joker, we walked to whole hub within 15 minutes, HOW AWESOME. & we're super random and start talking about BRA. I tell you hub is the worst place to slack, maybe because i stay near hub. :x Even though, me & sean didn't really talk today, but you know i finally understood the feeling of meeting up with someone who you didn't contact for a period of time. That feeling is like.. (Y) Okay. Enough about that, Sean Chua left at 7.30 cause he's meeting up with his other friend. :x 

Sooooooooo, I trained to sembawang with " A " & " B ". In the end " A " & I cabbed home. He's such a gentleman, he paid for the cab fee. But i don't wanna bully him so gave him like 5 dollars. OKAY, BETTER THAN NOTHING RIGHT. Bused home today, normally i would take like the U-turn la. But today i need the toilet badly :( So i crossed the road like how i always do, this time round, i almost got hit by a car, i freaking saw the car so far away eh and he horn me wtf, and he say " You want die isit " GRR. Hate drivers like them :@ Reached home about 9 :) GOODGIRL96. I wanted to like drink tonight.. Maybe i should :) See how later lorh. :D 

I'm happy today because...
1. I can finally see Sean Chua
2. I finally bond my friendship with " B "
3. I got to know more about " HIM "
4. Didn't quarrel with her today :D HAHAHAHA.
5. Mummy's not in Singapore.
& many more.......

Gosh, there's a mad lady shouting across the blocks. She's so loud. I wonder what's happening. Either, her children doesn't want to listen to her or the husband want a divorce. Cause what me and Bryan heard was " 你不可以这样对我。" & " 你现在到底在哪里?" Hehe. I know me and Bryan very busybody. Gosh i'm blogging so late today. Sorry! My readers drop like siao, cause i change my link :( SAD YOU KNOW. Nevermind. Bryan ask me something funny 
Bryan : Rachel, why you change your blog link? 
Me : Cause have a lot of haters lorh 
Bryan : Then what do you normally blog?  
Me : My feelings, what happen in school & sometimes bitch about people 
Bryan : Wah, i didn't know my sister so bitchy.

You know i won't expect any of my current readers to read like every single word i write, i guess i've to stop blogging a wordy post from today. Anyway, that's all for today because i'm going to skype with mummy now. Goodbye. :')

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