Monday, February 13, 2012

We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.

No pictures for today, Boring post. <3

Went to school just in time, :) Nua at the toilet because don't want to go for assembly. Slept through history, chinese, maths & physics today. :) LiMingZhu is the funniest, I told him 10 minutes later i would wake up. He walked away. 10 minutes later he came to me and wake me up. Cute sia he. Went to find Teresa after school. Pangseh Chew because of her :@ I'm a nice girl you know you know. So we went to have lunch together, but before that we went to find Valda to chit-chat. I kept disturbing her while she was eating & she's meeting with her girlfriend and i'm going home so we took the same bus 45. The fucking bus like a slow only :@ Wait for like 10-15 minutes then the bus came. GRRR. Board the bus, both of us hell tired and fell asleep. We missed both of our bus stop & don't know ended up where. I keep complaining i want to vomit because i'm really really really very uncomfortable so we dropped at the next stop. The awkward moment when i really want to vomit i just sat on the floor. On the road. I bet Teresa was like wtfuck, HAHAHA. But still manage to stand up and continue walking. We waited for 45 again at the opposite side, waited for like 10-15 minutes again :@ We again fell asleep but this time round, she missed her stop. NOT ME :) So we alighted at my place, and accompanied her to bus-stop THOUGH she kept pestering me to go home because i was really unwell. BUT I'M A GOOD FRIEND YOU KNOW. Okay, super bullshit. :/ She left and i went home & sleep. So here i am right now. I'm going to write Valentine's letter after blogging! <3

Ohya, many things happen last night. I forget some, remember some. I was dead drunk but all i remember is we kept going down non-stop and we cried. You sat at the staircase and cried and all i could do is say sorry. :'( The feeling so sucky you know! :/ No idea if you would be seeing this, but let me tell you that everything i said when i'm drunk is the truth. I cried to sleep every single night without you by my side. I fall more for you every single day. If we couldn't be lovers, but i would be your best friend. Who would be always there for you if you needed me. :) Somehow, i love the time when you would grab me and somehow i felt assured that i did mattered to you. I love the time when you saw me crying and you would hug me and wipe those tears away from my eyes. I love the time when you tried to guide the way because i'm very drunk. I love the time when we would never be awkward at all.

K la k la. Valentine's tomorrow. I'm spending it alone at home. How awesome :) Unless someone sweet enough to give me surprise like last year lorh. HAHA. Expecting too much. Alright then! Have to write those letter's now. Goodbye! ^^

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