Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dont bother loving someone who dont loves you back.

School today was OK LA. I just found out i didn't really wrote about my Common test and stuffs because basically i treat my common test as Class test, which means. Fail jiu fail. :/ I think i'm really no hope, my motivation of studying had dropped. AH RACHEL CANNOT. HAVE TO WAKE UP MAN. Got pretty high towards the end of the school. :) Kept disturbing " Kish " & " Keefe " Ohya! We confronted that two face bitched! Woohoo! She talk cock want sia. Say already don't admit. FUCK YOU SERIOUSLY. Send Marhuimin hope and promised her i would go down KB mac to study with her since i don't want to stay at home. Went home called Andrew and told them i'll be home by 10! Yes 10! -.-

Let's talk about what happen at KB mac shall we? Things were really awkward in the beginning. BUT it was alright towards the end when i started being a little more of myself and started craping and make both of them laugh! Yes i did it <3 We laughed like mad. SUMPA. After that it was time for Marhuimin to go for tuition. Left me and *ahem* HAHA. So both of us went slacking around deciding what should we do. Actually, is he accompany me la. Cause i promised Marhuimin i will wait till 9.30! But i've no keys! So i have to go home and charge my phone and blablabla. Called that Freaking Teresa to pass me my keys! But that bitch, ignored and continue dating with her girlfriend. GOOD LA SHE. LOL! Nevermind. Talked alot with *ahem* and got alot of INFORMATION. HAHAHAAH.

Went home charge phone and head out again, swear i'm very tired today. :( Went to find Marhuimin and we went to eat Roti Prata! <3 Ah, i think i'm going to get fatter and fatter. Let me tell you what's wrong with me today. In school, i freaking ate two bowls of noodles. Cause Celeste can't finish her's so i helped her lorh. I'M EFFING HUNGRY. After that went to KB mac i ate again! :@ Ate finish my set and cleared MARHUIMIN fries! HEHEHE. Then just now ate 2 Roti Prata. & GUESS WHAT. I'M HUNGRY NOW. :( Went to huimin house and NUA-ed because i need to wait for that fucking bitch. As in Mandy, cause she also has my house keys! So ya, but in the end, didn't wait for her because she's taking years to come! Went home, expecting a scolding from Bryan & Andrew but didn't! HENG. I just got nagged by them downstairs! That's all. OHYA, As promised yesterday, i'm posting something special? Not really special la! I just want to thank some few people!

First up! Andrew & Clique <3
Thanks! I know you guys dote on me a lot & you guys are very protective of me and stuffs! Really! I think you guys care more than my parents do. It happens that i woke up since that night when i saw you guys begging me to wake up. From that moment of time, i told myself never to let you guys disappointed again! So yep, that's why i'm always coming back by 5! But today i'm ultra sorry! At least i came back right! HAHAHA. Thanks for searching high & low for me whenever i went MIA. Thanks for always dealing my fucked up attitude. Thanks for trying to cheer me up with your ridiculous stuffs! Like no joke eh! Love you guys so much! MUAA.

Secondly! Marhuimin & Celeste Chew!
Both of this two bitch, Thanks for always standing by me all the time when i needed you guys. Always telling me & begging me to get over Teresa. Uhhuh. :) Love how close we are right now! Right baby? <3 Let's go through sec4 & 5 together smoothly. With no arguments, conflicts & misunderstanding alright! Let's tell each other about everything and not hide from each other. That's the rule alright!! Anything happen first thing call any of us horh!!! The priority thingy cannot change horh!! <3 HEHE. Ai si ni men le! MUAAAAAAAAA.

Basically! Ya that's all. Maybe Mary also laaa. She that siaogina. HAHA. Love her too! <3 Ahh, eyes closing already! Goodnight peeps! Will be back tomorrow! BYE! Ohya, mum coming back tmrw! :(

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