Thursday, February 9, 2012

Love allows you to see the good in a person, even when no one else does.

Uhmmm, No pictures again. Sorry. But today main point is i'm going to blog about Mandy. Before that shall talk about school?

Super love Miss Yong reaction when she saw me back in school. I think she's the best teacher man. HAHA. Wasn't really feeling very well the whole day, but certain period of time, i'm like a normal girl or can say i look perfectly normal and not sick at all. But in actual fact, i'm very sick. I'm literally freezing in class, i almost vomitted in the toilet till i collapsed on the toilet floor sitting down there crying. My friends knew? Nope. All they see is me being perfectly normal. Nevermind. I still got so high that i went around playing with the guys. Example. Pong. Haha. Marhuimin wasn't at class today because she has match. I miss her. No joke. :'(

Alright about Mandy now,
I guess i got so used to having her beside me? Like at most she's only gone for 3-4 hours and i could be able to see her. But for yesterday, after like only 13 hours later i saw her. That fucked up feeling that i couldn't see her and hug her to sleep. Very killing you know? :/ Somehow, i've no idea what kind of friendship or can say what kind of relationship we are right now. We behave like couple when nobody's around. When there's people we behave like normal friend, but smart people would know sometimes wrong with us. HA-HA. We're freaking once enemy and now we're like friends. Weird for me to fall for you. I guess, it's difficult for me to treat you back as friend because right now. All i can say is, i love you. Yes, i love you so much, Bryan asked me if everything is worth it, & i said. Seeing you smile after everything, it will be worth it.

I cried to sleep last night, i think i would be crying to sleep almost every night till you're back beside me. So yep. That's all for today. :/ Goodbye. Excited for school tomorrow? Kinda~ But i don't feel like going to the Ngee Ann poly thingy. :( I'm currently niaming to Celeste about Mandy. Ohya, we're okay already. Our arguments never last more than 24 hours. :)

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