Tuesday, March 6, 2012

287 days.

School today was perfectly normal, not much interesting stuffs happen. But the fatty pong seriously love to steal my food. :@ Had recess with her today, she seems so moody, no idea why. Seeing her like that, i went emotional too. :( Celeste & Cassan saw the MEGA change in my mood. Because before that i was really really really really very high. After that, something happen during chinese period which made me searching high & low for it :( Classmates would know. HAHA. 

Went to watch the Basketball Match. Our school lost, but i could see that those basketball guys really put in a lot of effort into this game. Although they lost this time round, but we still got second for national. :) While watching the match, a butch caught my eye. Literally, i'm staring at her & watching the match. She's so adorable. Especially with the geeks spec on. But Celeste say Teresa is much more handsome & cuter. Uhm... Okay la, true! But still, she's adorable too! My class guys know i was talking about her & started disturbing me with the rest of the butch they spotted on court. Such an ass, they chose those big in size & asked if i'm interested. But no joke, one of them kinda adorable too! SERIOUSLY. Haha. Celeste say i'm mad. I think so too! :) 

I'm so hungry right now, we're not heading down to chompchomp because Poyin & I are lazy. So we stayed at home for dinner. & She's currently on her iPad while i'm on my DreamHigh. HAHA. Prelim oral tomorrow. :( Not prepared for it at all. Or maybe i can say. I'm prepared to flung it. HAHA. I've really no idea how to continue this blogpost. So i shall blog till here. I'm glad that Celeste like the pencil box i got for her. :) 

Time flies, it has been 287 days. How awesome. How long more could i count, how long more would i still hold on to you. How long more would i get tired of you. I've no idea. I've really no idea at all. Let's wait & see. Alright then shall blogged till here. Goodbye! :) 

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