Sunday, March 25, 2012

The little things

It's the 10th Month since the day i confessed to you. 
It's time to say goodbye, after waiting for such a long period of time. But whenever i want to let you go, to forget you, simply i can't because of those little promises and commitment we had between each other. You know i love you, you know it's impossible for us, i know it's impossible too. But i'm just waiting for a miracle to happen. 

So from the red title of this blog post, summed up on what i want to blog today, ^^ Nah kidding, not a rant about her. Hope that i won't rant about her too. Because... i've been ranting about her almost every single day, i should just stop for a period of time. I just think that since it's the 10th month since i confessed to her, i find it really very special and meaningful. :) 

So yup, mummy was discharged today. Went over to the hospital to picked her up, My mood was damn bad today, i literally throw tantrum at everybody. Including my mum. I really hate those constant nagging and when people drag me out of the bed. -.- So basically, i thew something near me at them. Yes, i'm that angry. Haha. Even shouted back. Send Daddy off because he has to go back Hongkong for his work tomorrow. Starting to miss him already. Not really miss him la, is miss him giving me money! ^^ 

Basically, now my wallet have plenty of money and i feel like going to get a pack of cigg. But i know i have promise " her " i would stop smoking, so i'm controlling myself. Good girl right, but i know for sure i couldn't control for long :( Ohya, I'm going to have a date with CELESTE. Yes, finally we did went for a date ourselves for the freaking first time. You guys find it shocking? Both of us rarely hang out together though we always stick to each other during school, now you know ^^ 

Ya, so basically right now i'm shouting at Daddy, he's like DEAF eh. Dulan. -.- Nevermind, i'm so pissed right now & i'm going to bed right now. No la, don't feel like blogging. Mood ruined. Shall show you guys some random photos i took when i'm at the hospital. 

( I was studying while mummy is sleeping! ^^ )

( Was damn cold and got Latte, damn nice. But i want STARBUCKS! :( )

( Got this for like 80 dollars eh, kinda expensive right )

( The lotus pig with the flower both of us share cost for my mum, aint we sweet? ^^) 

So yup, i shall end of with this. 
" I love you since the day i met you, but trust me, my love for you didn't change a single bit since that day. "
No idea why this came up my mind out of nowhere. So yup. Goodnight for real, I extremely love my lotus pig & CELESTE. 

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