Friday, March 16, 2012

Failed attempt

Got so used to taking pictures with Instagram and i find those pictures i took with my dslr today was pretty awful :( So yup, actually, i'm kind of pissed right now, but i've decided to blog a proper post now and a ranting post later on. :/ 

Actually, i didn't really take any pictures today at cell outing, just some unglam shots of Twinneh, but don't want to embarrass her1 ^^ So yup, i was late in the morning because i went back to sleep, but still manage to reach Parkway Parade on time. It was fun with those BB guys. Hope they would come for tomorrow cell, because one of them simply make me. WOOHOO. HAHAHA. No idea why also. Lauren prayed for me and i literally broke into tears.... Yes, i can't believe i still could cry for her. So of course my twinneh would hug me when i needed a hug so badly at that time right. Cried in between her arms ^^

Hell embarrassing when i stopped crying, and i guess those guys were shock. But nevermind, went to have lunch and KOI and went to get some snacks. Went up to " Hall 1 " played and nua-ed there while it's time to start for games again. Games was really fun... but i really hate the game of the balancing thingy. It made me really really pissed off. -.- But love the game about the mat thingy. BECAUSE.... secret! ^^

Bused back with Twinneh about 4, we chased for the bus. YUP. RACHEL CHASE FOR THE BUS HORH! No la, because i'm very lazy to wait for another 76. So chase lorh, Twinneh drop her stop and i fell asleep. Glad that i woke up just in time to alight... Basically, did nothing until now. Just watching my Korean Drama, that seems to be my daily stuffs i would do? ^^

So yup, currently not touching my phone because i've no idea where all my friends fly too. :( LONELYGIRL. Alright, bascially, that's all for now. My mum is bugging me to bake another time for her, hope it turns out the same as yesterday's. Goodbye! Before that, show you an unglam picture of me! Don't laugh! :D

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