Saturday, March 17, 2012

Flower boy band!

Alright, a blogpost without pictures again, shall continue from yesterday. So it will be Rants part 2! 

Kidding! No ranting today, as in no ranting about her, Rants part 2 will be up tomorrow or the next day! ^^ So basically, what i did today was rotting at home watching this! " Shut up Flower Boy Band "

Don't you think those guys are so... mad adorable?!?! Kays, shouldn't talk about them and it simply seems like i'm a kpop fan. I'm not so into it though... but there's two handsome guys i want you guys to know! Wohoo! 

JB <3

Yup, that two guys above, ohgosh, i really seems like someone so into Kpop. I'm not okay! Really! Get back to topic, i really want to do my english today but it seems like my brain is not working with me. So i've decided to complete it tomorrow with my design and technology. Shall show you guys what i've done for my project. But no judging, i know some of my ideation doesn't work. But i couldn't think of 8 ideation with all working right? I'm not that smart! ^^

Currently now... i feel so weird, yes. I miss both of my ex suddenly.. I feel like they treated me the best, but i treated them like trash. Both of them, broke up because of Teresa. Yup, both of them. You guys could guess who am i talking about? Alvin & Ellen. I can't really blame that it's Teresa fault. Just blame my heart fault, for loving and falling back for her at the wrong timing. ALWAYS. 

I've always wanted to do this few stuffs with my boyfriend/girlfriend.

1. Cook with him/her and messed up the whole kitchen.

2. Walk around shopping malls and giving each other opinion on what to get.

3. Cuddle together in cinemas while watching movies together.

4. Hide under the blanket and start having fun with each other ( Don't anyhow think )

5. Give him/her sudden surprises after school/work.

6. Deliver food for them once they have cravings or hungry.

7. Have the courage to hug him/her once they broke into tears.

8. Resting on him/her shoulder during long bus ride.

9. Taking each other phone not afraid of letting the other party know who you're texting with.

10. Able to myself with him/her, treat him/her as your best friend.

& many more of course... But this is currently, what i could think about... Part of it, i had done it with some of my ex. But none of them which let me to be myself. I've none of my ex as a friend, only Teresa. But currently, now. We machiam friends also not. Because... i don't know... Just like that lorh.. 

And about that girl i'm texting with, our conversations are like hot and cold... But i could never forget that facial expression of hers when we bump into each other at a very awkward manner. That cat incident. Her face... omg... unforgettable... No talking about her.. :)

So yesterday, i got a stupid question on formspring. Not really stupid, but it's worth to elaborate more here. From the view of outsider, you guys would be thinking that i would hate Pauline for what she has done like snatching Teresa away from me. You guys know why i don't hate her? It's because.. She didn't snatch Teresa away from me. Teresa walked away from me. Not because i forced her too. But because she doesn't know what to do. So i don't blame both parties at all. :) Because right now, everything is back to how it should be... Although me and Pauline do have conflicts that time. But i guess now everything is alright? Maybe she do hates me maybe she don't. Nobody knows but it's alright ^^ The most important thing right now is, both of them are alright :)

Jeez. I've no idea what the hell did i just type. Forget it, if i continue, more crap would be up here. I shall stop blogging right now! Goodbye! ^^ 

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