Sunday, March 11, 2012


Before i go out again to meet TZY, i shall blog now because i doubt i would have the energy to blog when i'm home. So yup, woke up in the morning, of course the first thing i do is check twitter, am i right? And you guys could predict who i would stalk right? :) Saw something, i got a little pissed off, no idea why. But nevermind, since she read everything between me and her. It's alright though, because i read everything between her and her last time before. So i think it's pretty fair for her to read the conversation. :) So went to helped mummy at 628 as usual, I didn't expect she would drop me a text in the morning. REALLY NEVER DREAM ABOUT IT. But because of that text, it brighten my day a little. :) So basically worked till like 11 plus and headed home. So, that's basically what i did today la, as in for now. 

As promised on twitter, i'm going to tell you guys about the few embarrasing incidents that happen to me in public, because i'm a very careless, clumsy person. So sure have some stupid stuffs happen outside. But it may not be funny to you guys because you aren't there! You don't know their facial expression! So here it goes...

1. There was a time, Celeste, Renee & I was like slacking around blocks near AMK HUB. We're laughing like mad retards and i didn't notice that there's a freaking car! The driver thought that i spotted him so he didn't stop at all, but in actual fact, i didn't saw him at all. So he was like 2 cm away from me. As in the car, it's freaking near me. Lucky he didn't bang me yo! But what's worst, i still kept laughing there. FYI. We're all wearing school uniform! Don't you think it's funny? Actually not really la, But why i want to share this is because... i really miss those times when three of us hangout after school. Sadly, we're on bad terms with Renee now.

2. It happen that we love taking numbers from guys we spotted at hub. SOUNDS DESPO BUT IT'S FOR FUN JOY & LAUGHTER. That's what me & my girls love to do. So don't comment! But sad to say, we don't do it recently because our daily schedule right now is, School>Home. :( There was this certain guy that we want to take for Cassandra, he walked really really really fast and walked until the underground pathway towards mrt. So literally, i've to chase him. & ohya! It happens that i'm always the one asking for the number because i'm the most daring person *BHB* So in the end, he gave me the WTF face but still gave me in the end. His facial expression is the one which made me laugh REALLY REALLY REALLY LOUD.

3. It was New Year, i went to countdown with my brother, so normally the train station would be packed with people right? My brother mistaken another girl as me. WHEN SHE'S  SO MUCH FATTER AND TALLER THAN ME. My brother still put his hand over that girl shoulder, and that girl freaked out. Yes, freaked out. Till the train journey with that girl & the friend was really awkward, but i can't stop laughing at my brother, but in the end, my brother apologised before leaving the train. Lucky she's not those like bitchy kind. If not my brother sure tio kan. 

4. ( I wrote about this before ) 
That time when i want to vomit, i just sat at the passage way & everybody was like looking but i don't give a damn. But poor her, she was like standing down there trying to ensure i'm alright and hoping i won't embarrass her! I really miss that day. It was mad fun. <3 

5. That day Priscillia brought her skateboard, so she was skating outside hub, and her skateboard somehow skate until my leg there, i didn't know. I stood on the skateboard and somehow fall and injured my leg. :( What's worst. After falling down, i didn't stand up immediately, i still sat down there for a couple of minutes. So those mini-shop outside saw how i fall and saw the process on how i fall, so they kept laughing. Yes, it was really very funny. Till my friends also laughed at how i fall. HAHAHA. <3 

Basically, yup that's all those embarrasing stuffs i did outside. Afterall, today is my haopengyou b'day! So i've decided to dedicate something for him here. THOUGH i wrote him an essay letter, a kinda long text, b'day wish on twitter & facebook. But since, he meant so much to me. I don't mind repeating whatever i said to him here. On my blog, for you guys to see & be jealous that i've such a close guy friend! :)

Honestly, this is the nicest picture we ever took. :( So i guess i would take another picture before i shift to Thomson! Oh get back to topic! Happy 17th B'day! I have been giving you like 3 times of b'day present and sad to say you never give me a single one :( How jerk can you be. But nevermind, Thanks for those times when i'm ultra down in Hongkong about Teresa, and you were there giving me advice and stuffs. Because afterall, you know how i feel. You're the only guy that i trust, that i could cry in front of you and no other guys. You're the guy who knows me the best. As written on that letter, i know we would drift apart after i move because we couldn't meet as often as we do anymore. But it's alright, remember? Is those memories we once had that counts. So yup! That's all. Shall not continue to be mushy-mushy! But i still have to say, i really Thank God for letting me have a guy best friend. <3 

Hehe, today blog post like a long only, Doubt people would read. Plus, it's ultra wordy. Who the hell would love reading an ultra wordy post. Uhmm, honestly, i think i'm the only person in this world to love reading wordy post. :) Alright then, have to bathe and get prepared to head out! Love you guys so much! 

Ohya, i'm going school tomorrow! Not because my teacher wants me to go back, but because Celestine chew ying xuan wants me to go back! HAHAHAA. OK. GOODBYE FOR REAL. 

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