Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Too late.

Always regret after losing them, isn't it too late? Yes, treasure every minute with your love one right now. Don't be like me.... Regret after losing, not only once or twice or thrice. But many time... Got so emotional after reading back my previous blog which is here. Reopened the blog, those who want to know about my past, go ahead to read it back.. But it's all about " her " Because i was deeply in love with her at that time, including now...... JOKING. Now, not as much as before already, :)

So how's school today? Friends like... Marhuimin, Celeste, Cassan, Fatty pong, Daren, made my day today. Oh, not to forget KarEn! Really eh, I'm so touched by KarEn. ^^ She asking if i'm alright made my day. NO JOKE. But get back to topic, i've decided to be strong, not to get sad over it. Afterall, that's my mum fate. And my mum said it's a family history stuffs and i would get it too. Miserable but.. as i said fate... Mum doing operation this Friday, giving a school a miss. Mummy disagreed but i'm not going to care. Because her previous operation i'm not there, but for this i must. I really hope God will be with her through this.. And as my friends said, Pray. Yup, i would. <3 

Sorry for not blogging a proper blog post the past few days.. because.... i'm watching this! 

Most right, "Evil Queen", "King", "The girl that is loved by the King & the prince", "The prince".. This show effing nice.. It's called " The Moon That Embraces The Sun " I show you the funniest guy in the show! Especially, the way he behaves and walk just made me laugh to myself...

The middle guy! Hehe. this show if i rate, it'll be like 9/10, Because i don't really like the ending because the Prince died, not only that and the show abit draggy and too emotional. But the storyline. Really not bad... Ahh, i'm so into Korean show eh! What's worst. I'm looking for shows happen in the palace. Hehe. Mad right? Joking. Let me find another one to watch! ^^ So Goodbye! :) 

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